I saw Beauty and the Beast on Broadway! It was excellent. I've seen the Phantom of the Opera about 3 times (it's my favorite). My dream is to see it on Broadway.... I've seen musicals like Cats, Riverdance, Grease, Stomp, Oklahoma, Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady, Barefoot in the Park..(I know there is more but I cant remember) and alot of concerts.
JoinedPosts by Dolphin57
What is your favorite Broadway show?
by LyinEyes ini have never seen a broadway show in person, but i have it on my to do list before i die..... of course there are some local shows that are being done that i want to take my children to see.
i think it will be alot of fun, especially for my daughter who adores the musical,,,,,,,cats.........we rented the video of the musical cats,and i have watched most of it.
as a jw i never pursued my interest in the arts, and i let that part of me die.
What is your PSI / ESP potential?
by manon inexperts estimate that one person out of twenty possesses an unusual degree of extrasensory perception-esp or psi energy.
the following questions may determine your own psi potential:
1- is it unusual for you to be reduced to tears?
I got all affirmative. Things happen to me every day that makes me think I have ESP. I say, "I dont know, it just feels right" on a daily basis. I can see aura's and feel other people's feelings, even when its not so obvious. I always hid it when I was in the org. It was demonistic, I was always told. I would like to look into exploring it, see what happens.
Upcoming A-fests?
by Dolphin57 inhey you all!
happy hump day.
i was wondering if anyone knew of any upcoming a-fests in the florida/georgia area?
Hey you all! Happy hump day. I was wondering if anyone knew of any upcoming A-fests in the Florida/Georgia area? Or anyplace else for that matter. I missed the Dallas one and regret not going. Thanks J
Funny people in your Congregation
by mattnoel inok so who has got stories about funny people in your cong,.
we had one guy who used to recite really long prayers, you would see people shifting from foot to foot as he recited extracts from the lords prayer in with his, he used to knock on doors and when they didnt answer shout through the letter box saying "i know your home" if they did actually come he would keep them talking for ages even after they said they werent interested.
he even wrote to tony blair and told him how he would die at armageddon, the society recieved a letter of complaint and he got banned from pioneering.
Too funny Mutz. I was eating dinner at another families house one Sunday evening. The table talk went from that mornings talk to school to next weekend fishing trip. Then came the topic of seafood. I was midsip of water when one sister announced rather loudly, "I just love semen!" I almost fell out of my chair.
Micheal Jackson: Are you in here? Do you visit??
by WingCommander ini often wonder if micheal jackson ever visits here.
i mean, he has unlimited money and resources, so why wouldn't he type in "jehovah" one day into a search engine, and find this forum??
i'm sure he has some of the same problems we all did, especially being raised a jw.
Email aka Michael....
he's now a handsome, smart, funny 28 year old... named Rick...
Way to go Jack-o. You've done a wondeful job.Edited by - Dolphin57 on 7 February 2003 17:35:8
Valentine Quiz
by Sirona indiscover your inner candy heart @ stvlive.com
this is a cute valentine test...the day is only 1 week away!
get in the mood for love
Dance lessons for the post KH world
by SixofNine inif you're like me, you're upbringing didn't include much normal socialization, and you often find yourself a wallflower among a colorful explosion of "normal", "worldly" poeple, dancing and having fun at parties.
we simply never learned to dance.. these dance lessons, "how to dance properly" have made such a difference in my life.
it's hard to be bitter when you're "riding the pony" or, "stirring the pot of love".. dance, and fly free my fellow butterflys.
I remember the Elaine. My aunt, (who I think had a bit too much to drink) graced us with that wonderful dance at my wedding. Oh yes, its on video.
Edited by - Dolphin57 on 6 February 2003 9:40:8
So , the society is suggesting (page 10) that if you arent getting enough, you need to eat like a pig?
One pissed off dolphin
by Dolphin57 inhey all.
i am so pissed off at the elders right now that its not even funny.
my spiritual grandmother died recently.
Hey all. I am so pissed off at the elders right now that its not even funny. My spiritual grandmother died recently. I have posted all about this and my fear of having to return to the Hall for a memorial. I dont have to have that fear now.*grumble*
Little bit about her: Dorothy Foster was her name. She has been a Witness all of her life. She got older and she couldnt drive so brothers and sisters would drive her to and from the meetings. When she got too sick to come to the meetings, she would listen on the phone. She loved the meetings and listened to every one.
Once she stopped coming to the meetings, people forgot about her. Elders wouldnt bring her the KM or mags. We even gave them self-addressed stamped envelopes and they still couldnt find the time to give her the KMs!! My mother took her into our house from the retirement home her real family had placed her. We gave her an apartment in our home and cared for her.
Brothers and sisters would often visit and she loved that. Her health rapidly got worse and we had to put her in a home for 24-hour care. She still got a few visitors but like she used to. Then she passed away. Her natural family, who abandoned her here in Florida suddenly, has taken interest. Her body was sent there for burial in the family plot. Now they are accusing my mother of manipulation. They are saying we forced Dorothy to sign everything over to my mom. My mom is the heir and executor of the will. She gets everything. They are pissed and are threatening to take us to court. I am assured their claim wont hold up but it still stresses me out how vicious they are being.
I have wandered a bit, I am so mad at the elders. My grandma wished in her will that she have a memorial in the Kingdom Hall she attended with the people who she loved, the witnesses. Well, my mother called the head elder and told him of Dorothys wishes. He told her that it would be too much of an inconvenience to squeeze her in. The meetings were flipped around due to an assembly and I guess it was too much trouble. He said he would bring it up at the next elders meeting and see what the others think. He called my mom back about three days later and asked permission to make an announcement at the meetings about Dorothy passing. He didnt say a word about a memorial.
Two weeks went by and NO ONE called or visited. Except the few I used to be really close with and they called my mom because I am the one who told them what happened. Other then the two of them, no one offered condolences or kind words or cards. Its as if she didnt matter to them. Now, not only is her ass family trying to weasel money, she hasnt had any kind of remembrance. Her body was taken to Virginia and they had the service the day we found out about it. I am so stressed out. This keeps me up at night and haunts my dreams. I have tried to call the elders but no one will talk to me, which makes me more mad. I left about 2 years ago without a word. I have been festering on this and I was afraid that if I didnt get it out I would explode. I am so angry with them. What kills me is the fact that these are the people who run the show. They forgot her in life and they refused her in death. Yet, she always thought well of them. WHAT kind of people are these?? I want so badly to have closure. Thank you for letting me vent. With the exception of a select few people, this is the only place I can speak so freely about how I feel. I am so glad to be here. *hugs all*
Edited by - Dolphin57 on 5 February 2003 15:24:7
What Is Your Animal Personality? (QUIZ)
by Gizmo inok ok i stole this from a site syn introduced me to, didn't know this black hole even existed, so blame the springbok...hehehehe.
hehehehe it's no gremlin, but er...close enough!.