Snap..! The same thing happened to my father and I.But unfortunately theres just no-way to turn the clock back, and act differantly with high-insight. Please don`t blame yourself Valis, after-all it was a very stronge request from your Uncle to ask you to just go out and get him a Lap-top computer.Now had he asked you to go out and get him a bottl;e of wine or some-thing in the same price range, well then I would also be very upset or even agree with myself. I happen to know some VERY well-off people,but even for them to just re-place some-ones Lap-top computer after THEY had an accident with it,would be asking lot.Theres a film called " CIty Slicker`s " where an old cowboy,played by Jack Pelance, says "You City-foke, you worry about a lota shit don`t ya...!!!". I think we humans are inclined to get too side tracked from the real important things in life Valis, like how we love each other this moden world full of un-nessary THINGS, like cars, computers,DVD players etc..which have no love for us,thoughts or feelings.And while being side-tracked,we saddly start to take each other for granted.I`m positive your Uncle forgives you just as much as you forgive him Valis, and more importantly, He Loves you .just as much as you love him.I know one day you will both meet again and laugh at the whole thing....Valis,even a total prick like me knows your sorry and love your Uncle, so it is obvious that your Uncle Knows that also. Please don`t keep whipping your self over a silly incidence, THAT WOULD REALLY piss-off your Uncle. Remember man, you are the dream of former Slaves.Do your Uncle the honor of accepting HIS love and forgiveness. One day you will laugh togetter at this.
Sorry about the l o n g delays. Love and Respect