I appreciate your mild and respectful manner of conduct on this forum, and thanks for sharing a little about yourself. For right now I will only hit on a couple of points that you brought up.
You said,
Since you realize that [this forum is for ex-JWs] and continue to post here you must then consider yourself an exJW or a very confused back sliding JW. Which is it?
That's only two possible options that you are allowing me. I'm here to agitate. No, seriously, I'm here chiefly as an observer of what goes on in the minds of those who have forgotten the excitement they first felt when one of Jehovah's Witnesses first helped them to see what the true hope is for themselves and the rest of mankind. I find it terribly sad when I witness certain individuals preferring/willing to throw it all away on the basis of things the Society either does for strategic reasons or out of simple imperfection. And of course I do get disgusted at hearing and seeing the WTS being accused as if it was a criminal institution.
I would like to hear your reasons for not going out in
service. I know they may be personal ones and if so please excuse me for asking.
Once again, I appreciate your consideration with regards to my feelings. However, I have no hang-ups about talking about why I haven't been congregationally active since the mid-70s. The chief reason centers on the 1914 doctrine. I happen to know, as I'm sure you do, that this is a MAJOR flaw in the Society's doctrinal structure. Of course, given all that revolves around that particular doctrine I am unable to represent the Society when it comes to offering Bible study aids (literature) which in most cases still highlight that erroneous idea within their pages.
No, the fact that Jesus' has not been installed as King yet does not mean that the "faithful slave" isn't around, it just means that such "slave" hasn't been appointed over "all his [Jesus'] belongings".--Matthew 24:45-47.
When all is considered, for example that which can be learned from the book of Daniel, Matthew, and Revelation, etc., it becomes quite apparent that we live in a day and time when a class referred to as "the holy ones" are supposed to be evident on the world scene. According to Daniel, such ones would be around during the time of the 7th King (our day, and no this "King" isn't Britain and America by themselves) and would particularly become the focal point of attention after the 8th King arrives (the final horn of Daniel 7:24, 25). Of course, the Society has misjudged regarding the identity of the 8th King (even as it has the 7th) it not being the present United Nations ... nor has this "King" arrived as yet. This is simply another error that figures in with the 1914 doctrine. Once the 1914 doctrine is discarded, so will everything that rests upon it ... and all will fall into its proper place. It has been frequently said that if the Society has to kick out the 1914 doctrine then the Society is all washed up, such ones thinking that the "faithful slave" of Matthew 24 is dependent upon the legitimacy of that date. Nothing could be farther from the truth! But, since it is time for that certain class of "holy ones" to have made the scene, it becomes the challenge of each and every "Christian" to recognize "who" they are. One thing to keep in mind in making that investigation is the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses do not share in the wars of the nations. I know the same cannot be said for the Baptists, Methodists, etc. The Churches of Christ even go so far as to provide Chaplains for the armed services.
Why do I believe that the Society will become refined, you may ask? For right now, I will leave that for Daniel 11:35 to explain. I suppose that you still believe the Bible? I hope so at least.
Later, hopefully.
PS> Sorry that I wasn't able right now to reply to each and every point that you come back with, but I am simply not up to such an extensive dialogue.