Ken P,
You impress me as being a person that never gets out from in front of the mirror. Perhaps if you take your mind off yourself you might fair better, eh?
after my look at the futility of life when you consider the future and my decision to live each day for it's value, i got this from a fortune cookie.. "you will never regret the present, you live to it's fullest.".
i thought it was kind of strange.. .
ken p.
Ken P,
You impress me as being a person that never gets out from in front of the mirror. Perhaps if you take your mind off yourself you might fair better, eh?
jesus was not born on december 25. that is not his birthday.
why is this day observed as jesus's birthday?
because some christians thought it was fine to mingle christianity with paganism.
Yardiff, am I really? I would think people are more prone to have banquets to commemorate some event rather than on a continuous basis..
Why isn't the record itself sufficient enough to make a determination? I'll repeat: the account at Job 1:5 does NOT say "birthdays" ... it said "banquet days". Note: "And it would occur that when THE BANQUET DAYS had gone round the circuit...." Too, the fact that it is said that a "circuit" was followed subtly suggests that the words "on his own day" means each particular brother's turn to host the banquet.
So the 7 brothers each had a turn for a banquet (was that everyday of the week, 52 weeks a year)? How often did each's day (you say turn) come around?
The record simply doesn't say ... apparently because it's not an important detail. What is important is the fact that Job's children were flirting with becoming unbalanced, and that's what worried their father. Something that you might ask yourself, since you are so adamant towards thinking that these were birthday celebrations, is if that's what the brothers were in fact doing then why didn't they invite their father to the celebrations? Afterall, it was he that CAUSED their births ... and yet he obviously wasn't in attendance at ANY of their banquets. Too, why didn't the sisters celebrate their birthdays as well?
Edited by - Yadirf on 12 October 2002 14:15:52
jesus was not born on december 25. that is not his birthday.
why is this day observed as jesus's birthday?
because some christians thought it was fine to mingle christianity with paganism.
You're showing all the signs of a desperate man, Kenneson.
jesus was not born on december 25. that is not his birthday.
why is this day observed as jesus's birthday?
because some christians thought it was fine to mingle christianity with paganism.
Kenneson says:
Job 1:4 in the NWT says: "And his sons went and held a banquet at the house of each one on his own day..." It doesn't say each in his own turn.
Job 1:5 in the NWT says: "And it would occur that when THE BANQUET DAYS had gone round the circuit." Notice that it doesn't say "birthdays" ... it said "banquet days"! Yes, indeed, we notice that what WAS done --the purpose for which they gathered together--is that they BANQUETED.
In Job 3:1 Job says: "Let the day perish on which I came to be born...As for that day, let it become darkness." How is daydifferent in these two passages?
The "day" of which Job referred to plainly refers to the day on which he was born. The "own day" of which each brother hosted his banquet had reference to that particular brother's turn.
jesus was not born on december 25. that is not his birthday.
why is this day observed as jesus's birthday?
because some christians thought it was fine to mingle christianity with paganism.
Yeru says:
Jews did indeed celebrate Birthdays. The Children of Job celebrated birthdays by hosting feasts as attributed in scripture.
No, I disagree, the children of Job did not celebrate birthdays. Admittedly, until recently I myself had leaned toward your way of thinking, Yeru, but no longer am persuaded that way. Yes, I had previously figured that since the world seems to be so forever prone to do that anyway Job's sons had fallen into the habit of celebrating their birthdays as well. But NOW I think that they were doing nothing more than taking turns hosting parties for the rest of the group of siblings ... for no other reason than to P-A-R-T-Y. No wonder that righteous Job felt the need to offer sacrifices in their behalf, since the placing of undue emphasis on having pleasure can lead to God's displeasure (simply because it threatens one's spirituality, which naturally threatens a person's determination to do what is right in God's eyes). Was not Job's sons doing just that ... placing a LOT of emphasis on pleasure? Yes! ... they each would take their turn hosting a banquet ... until they all had hosted ... THEN, apparently, they would start the circuit all over again. Round and round, a never ending cycle of banqueting! Apparently, even as most women are content to let the men take the lead, Job's daughters were quite content to let their brothers throw the parties. So, it looks like the WTS has been right all along, in saying that the banqueting was NOT in celebration of any birthdays.
For an additional thought or two, consider my next to last post at this URL:
Edited by - Yadirf on 11 October 2002 19:14:34
i am a firm believer in that scripture that if a person is without sin let him hurl the first stone.
i cannot believe the hostility that is going on in the forum.
we are grown adults we have opinions but do our opinions and feelings have to come down to mud slinging?
You didn't know that the march on Brooklyn, which Bowen himself led, resulted in one of the WTS's representitives getting conked in the head with a stuffed lamb? Now THAT wasn't a very nice thing to have had happen, was it? But, like I say, all said and done the real damage, comparatively speaking, was suffered by Bowen himself ... inflicted upon himself no less. How IRONIC!
i am a firm believer in that scripture that if a person is without sin let him hurl the first stone.
i cannot believe the hostility that is going on in the forum.
we are grown adults we have opinions but do our opinions and feelings have to come down to mud slinging?
Me thinks that Mr. Stone-thrower-Bowen finally threw a big stone that riccocheted, and it came back and hit him square in the face.
Personally, if it were me, I'd rather have been hit in the head with a soft stuffed silentlamb ... if you get my drift.
Edited by - Yadirf on 10 October 2002 3:47:0
Edited by - Yadirf on 10 October 2002 3:49:48
this may have been a topic before on the board.
it would be suprising if anyone else as not thought of this.. with regards to the 5 governing body members who have been named as child abusers.
would ray franz be able to confirm these aligations?
Bill Bowen is sick man.
I'm amazed that it took so very long for you or anyone else to realize this. I realized as much quite some months back, after I had personally and sincerely attempted to reason with Bill on a particular subject I had challenged him over. Obviously, he hasn't since gotten well.
hello... i've been away from here for awhile, and probably will not be getting very involved here again, but some things have got me wondering lately.
i don't know if you know's still around, but, if so, i have a couple of questions.. you know: correct me if i'm wrong, but i seem to remember your saying that you'd read ray franz' book "crisis of conscience.
" i'm not going to debate the propriety of your doing so, as one of jehovah's witnesses, but i'm very interested in what you think of his reasoning on various points.
First off, Ray Franz doesn't truly know whether he's coming or going since he's separated from the WTS. For example, he now expresses doubts as to whether or not it's God's purpose to restore the earth to its original paradisaic state. For what reason therefore is there to site Ray Franz as if he were some authority on any given subject? Why he has lost sight of one of the most basic truths that there is!
The Watchtower certainly is God's one true organization, although it has some refinements to make. The 7th chapter of Daniel assures the reader that there would be true Christians taking the lead during the periods of the 7th and 8th Kings of Bible prophecy, they being called there "the holy ones". The world is presently living under the jurisdiction of the 7th King (which is not the U.S. & Great Britain, but instead ALL governments of our day). The upcoming 8th King--the final horn that rises up amidst the first ten horns of Daniel 7, and which is symbolized as a scarlet-colored beast in Revelation 17--is foretold to make war upon such "holy ones". If a person believes the Bible then such a person is faced with the identifying of just who those holy ones are. It looks like the time you spent studying with Jehovah's Witnesses has been all in vain, since you're obviously not able to see the WTS organization in Daniel's prophecy. Since you apparently disagree that the WTS harbors such "holy ones" then you must search elsewhere for their placement. Happy hunting, as you waste your time trying to find them amidst Christendom -- you won't find them there I'll guarantee you.
just a few more :) could some one provided me x-tra details, as i forgot some names (sorry).
[pic 1] who was that masked man?
i loved his signs.
PIC 7] Bill trying to give a WT rep a lamb. Later, someone threw a lamb at one of the [WT] reps.
It seems that there has to be at least ONE delinquent over-grown-child in every crowd, right?