1st question: How many beers can you consume before needing to go tinkle?
2nd question: Do you ever have as much come out as goes in?
3rd question: What color are your eyes?
4th question: What made you decide to be a bum?
since the subject of nationalism is so hot and heavy around here, i thought i would present some quotes on the subject that also express my mind:.
heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately i hate them!
~albert einstein.
1st question: How many beers can you consume before needing to go tinkle?
2nd question: Do you ever have as much come out as goes in?
3rd question: What color are your eyes?
4th question: What made you decide to be a bum?
since the subject of nationalism is so hot and heavy around here, i thought i would present some quotes on the subject that also express my mind:.
heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately i hate them!
~albert einstein.
Dirty Lip TR
Dr. Einstein has obviously diagnosed you as having an infantile disease, DLTR.
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. -- Albert Einstein.
TR's got the measles! Ha! Ha! TR's got the measles! Whoopeeee!
Sing along with me folks:
TR's got the measles
Good 'nuff for all weasels
He loves the flag
He loves to brag
He thinks he's smart
The big dumb fart
His mind's a mess
He's dumb at best
TR is a weasel
TR's got the measles!
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
See, I can be a gentleman.
That does clear things up for me. It is perfectly understandable that you threw out the 1914 stuff. Now, being out since 1975 seems to be a pretty long "temporary" period of time. I am glad that you are still accepted, and I sincerely hope that the WT makes the necessary reforms that will make it more compatible with your thinking.
Yes, I agree, the more than two decades that have passed has been a lengthy time, and I'm not sure how much longer it will be. Perhaps I will live long enough, perhaps not ... I just turned 62, and that means I likely don't have that same amount of time left to see it all realized in my life's time IF that much more time proves to be necessary. However, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that there will be many adjustments forthcoming. Those adjustments will come as the result of FAITHFUL JW's themselves having stumbled over erroneous concepts adhered to by the WTS. I'm not bragging when I say that I understand Daniel 11:35 in its correct sense, and that I know how to understand the prophetic 2nd, 7th, 11th, and 12th chapters of Daniel. I don't know your age, but I can confidently say that unless you're getting along in years too that you have some surprises that await you.
Thanks for your well wishes.
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
Why do you start using derisive language when others ask you questions?
Do you have reference to me dubbing you "larcboy"? Haven't you noticed that it's commonplace on this board to speak derisively of others. Now you wouldn't want me to feel out of place by being the perfect gentleman in an environment such as one finds at JW.com, would you? Do you hear me asking others that practice the same thing the question that you have just asked me? Where do you think I learned that trait from anyway? Yes, it was at H20 and this forum. Great fun! You ought to just fall in and enjoy the entire experience yourself. Why not ask Dirty Lip TR why he engages in the language that he does? Do I detect a bit of prejudice here? How about all the various forms of references to Mr. Rutherford? Do you find that as nauseating as the thing you hear me say?
What else don't you believe that the JWs do, besides the one about Satan being caste down in 1914?
Several things as a matter of fact. I haven't the time right now to go into it all. Remind me later, would you. I will mention, however, as I have on many occasions in the past, that I have thrown the entire 1914 thing out the window ... and of course everything that swings around that date went with it. So, use your imagination a little.
Are you a JW in good standing?
Other than attend a few assemblies and Conventions I have been inactive, insofar as association, since around the year 1975. However, I do not consider myself to be disassociated. My association has only been temporarily interrupted until certain refinements come about regarding some of the Society's doctrines.
I am not shunned, and never have been. As a matter of fact only last evening I enjoyed a short chat with a JW sister who caught me cleaning up the street out in front of my house. I am very much missed, she reminded me. I reminded her that she, the others, and the WTS are frequently in my prayers and that she will definitely see the day arrive when I will be right back there in their midst at the Kingdom Hall ... "when conditions are right", I said.
Hope that answers your question, to a degree at least.
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
Have you been reading too much Harry Potter, Mister F?
Interestingly, I was at a theater on Monday of this week and noticed that a Harry Potter movie was gonna be out come November. Looked like it might be great fun to go see, as judged by what was shown in the coming attractions. Since I don't know hardly anything about the fad that revolves around this "Harry Potter" stuff, I will at least perhaps become enlightened with regard to the books that my granddaughter has been reading. I may be in for a shock. I don't know, we'll see.
still all young except for his feet.
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
Let us assume that everything you believe is true (which I don't of course), and we are living in this Satan controlled demon infested world. Even so, we have the highest standard of living in the history of the world. We also have have longest life span in human history.
You "don't of course"? You can't prove me wrong ... at least if you stick to the Bible.
"The longest life span"? Don't tell me that you're one of those that think that science will find the fountain of youth.
If you want to see bad times, you should read about the 14th century. Those people really went through a great tribulation. They must have done it all on their own too, because Satan and the demons hadn't been hurled done to the earth yet.
I've got some important news for you, Larcboy ... Satan hasn't been cast down yet.
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
thanks for reminding me of one of the countless things I do NOT like about the JW religion: arrogant, fanatical, Watchtower-thumping jerks.
"Watchtower thumping"??? Everything I said was reasonable and backed up with Bible references, and for your information some details of which I didn't mention don't even agree with Watchtower explanations.
"Fanatical"??? Is taking the Bible at face value "fanatical" in your opinion? Who can deny the obivious when it comes to the Wild Beast having the same number of heads and horns as the Dragon itself does. Do you think that it takes a fanatic to see the connection? Who can deny the fact that a "diadem" depicts rulership, particularly when the Scriptures themselves show such.
"Arrogant"??? Since when is hitting the nail on the head the definition of arrogance?
Go play outside.
I will play where I wish, with or without YOUR permission, sour puss!
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
TR, I mean no offense, but I must admit there is one thing I still like about the JW religion: the refreshing, total absence of nationalistic pathos.
Dirty Lip TR (DLTR)is beyond repair, fodeja, so you might as well just give up on trying to reason with him. All he has left to hope in now is the politics of this world (which equates with placing his confidence in Satan himself). He has no faith in God, or his Word the Bible.
What is so reprehensible about the dude is that he ONCE was in touch with the truth about Satan's system. He was ONCE privileged with having been brought face to face with the 12th and 13th chapters of Revelation, wherein one can clearly see the parallel between the seven heads of the Dragon (Satan) of Revelation 12 and the seven heads of the Wild Beast (the world’s political system) of the 13th chapter. Yes, he was ONCE privileged with having come to know that such Biblical symbols help a *real* truth seeker to know and understand that, from behind the scenes, it is none other than Satan himself that rules the entire world's political system. That is proven by the fact that the Dragon's heads (which parallel the Wild Beast's heads) are each laden with a "diadem". Yes, the Dragon has jurisdiction over ALL governments of today, because the seventh head of the Dragon is topped with a shiny DIADEM too (the diadem being a symbol depicting rulership; see Revelation 19:12).
There is no mistaking the fact that Satan’s rule has gone uninterrupted throughout the entire period of the seven heads. It won’t be until Satan is abyssed, just prior to the commencement of Christ’s 1000-year reign, that Satan will no longer have control of the political reigns of the world.
My oh my, how forgetful Dirty Lip TR is. Just keep on as you are, DLTR, and you will be brought face to face with the truth one more time … by force of circumstances.
i have a strange tale to tell.
my current position is ...is that i just dont know!
my wife however has started attending a church and is really enjoying it.
Come the day we were stood beneath the huge church steeple, when I experienced the most incredible rush of warmth accompanied by a sensation of well being. I wonder what that was?
Sounds to me like you emptied your bladder, dummy!
i don't know about the rest of you but i was one of the stupid ones lugging bricks around and cleaning them up for the jw's shortly before i left.. how many others here have done the same???.
how many of us have at one time been construction workers for the borg???.
esther...you set my brain working on this one with your thread .
BTW...the attack on TJ was totally uneccessary.....a back injury is NO fun. Yadirf....Get an attitude check!!!!!
Go jump in the lake along with your hero, little girl!!!!! Plus, mind yer own business, or else be there when that jerk attacks others with his callousness. Besides, it wasn't a "back injury" as you think ... if it was he wouldn't have gotten over it. So bug off tootsie, you hear.