You're trying to understand this from a human perspective, see things as God sees them, not as man does. What is illogical or impossible for man is EASY for God.
NO ONE KNOW THE DAY OR THE HOUR...It was NOT Jesus mission to reveal that, he could only reveal what the Father sent him to reveal. Jesus has two natures, human and divine, within His human nature, it was NOT God's will to reveal hours and days.
Father, Into your hands I commend my spirit... Jesus being God/man trusted the Father.
Why HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME...The mystery of the crucifixion, First, Jesus was PRAYING not despairing that is the 22 Psalm read it. Secondly, Jesus suffered for us what had NEVER before been, Still being both God and Man, Jesus was seperated from the Father.
THE FATHER IS GREATER THAN I...especially in His human nature, but also the Father is the Father, the Father, eternally begets the Son, the Father Speaks and the Son acts..
NOT MY WILL BUT YOUR WILL...Jesus is God/Man, he has a human will, he submited that will to the Father.
Finally John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God and the Word WAS God. Clear testimony of the Trinity. The WOrd already existed in the Beginning.
God is the SOURCE of creation. We look and see that the universe was created, therefore it must have had a creator. Just a point of view.