Would you be disfellowshipped as an apostate from the WT TODAY, if you believed and taught the Society's doctrines of 1920? (after the inspection)
YES______ NO___X___
It would be kind of dumb for me to believe old light when there is new understanding that is backed by the scriptures
Would a JW of 1920 have been disfellowshipped if he then believed and taught present-day WT doctrines?
YES______ NO___X___
Not if they were humble and waited on the FDS to make the necessary adjustments. Now if the person was stubborn and full of himself, well that's a different picture.
Would a JW living in 1913 have been disfellowshipped from the WT if he believed and taught that 1914 was NOT going to be the 'battle of the great day of God Almighty" or Armagedon as the Society was then saying (StinScrip, VolII, The Time Is At Hand, 1908 ed. pg 101, 171 & 245)?
YES______ NO___X___
Not all Bible Students (as they were called) agreed exactly on what would happen in 1914. The knew the Gentile Times were ending, but besides that they weren't totally sure.
Is it right to be disfellowshipped and treated as an apostate for believing and teaching the TRUTH?
YES______ NO___X___
Of course not, that is why I'm not disfellowshipped. Now if I started making a big fuss about every single thing the Organization does, then I open criticize what their doing, and trying to hurt by brothers and sisters, then I'd get kicked out very quickly.
Since the WT's doctrines and practices are continually changing, would you say that thousands of JWs in the past were NOT "in the truth" according to present-day WT teachings, as they confessed?
YES______ NO___X___
They were in the truth and tought the truth about Hell fire, the ransom sacrifice, the trinity, condition of the dead, etc.
Have thousands of JWs died believing and teaching WT "errors", according to present-day WT teachings?
YES______ NO___X___
Did you know that CT Russell taught the resurrected Jesus is "Almighty" based on his conclusion of Matt 28:18 (The Finished Mystery pg 15)?
YES______ NO___X___
According to Matt 28:18, is it the Father or the Son who as "ALL authority" in HEAVEN and on earth?
FATHER______ SON___X___
Tricky question, the Father grants that authority, as in delegating, to his son
As a JW are you allowed to worship the one with "ALL authority" in HEAVEN and on earth?
YES___X___ NO______
What is more important? Loyalty the the Truth or loyalty to the TruthTM?
Can you distinguish between the Two?
YES______ NO______ Huh?___X____ (you must define the TM.
Since the WT's doctrines and practices are continually changing, would you say that thousands of JWs in the past were NOT in the truthTM according to present-day WT teachings, as they confessed?
YES_____ NO___X___
Are you sure the same thing won't happen to YOU?
YES__X___ NO______