Ok, my cow story. It's very silly, but so am I!
I had been learning about the role that faith plays in prayer.
I was taking a walk and there was a field of cows (I am in Florida) and I decided to put this to the test (to pray with faith/belief). The cows were far away.
I looked intently at the cows and prayed in my head "see Christ in me and come to me"
Well, they seemed to move closer, but maybe I was seeing things.
I prayed with more belief. Come to me, cows. Come to Christ, your maker.
Then! A cow suddenly runs toward me, back and forth and jumped all around!! What??
I start laughing and really enjoying the moment, not even believing what I was seeing!!
I suddenly remember a recurring dream I have had where animals are jumping all around me and I laugh in my sleep when I have it. (Also, I had a small story about when I was a kid and I would get very excited when seeing cows, so it's just so appropriate!)
Now, later as I start thinking about it, I think maybe the cow was mad or something and I mentioned it to my friend. She says that cows only jump around when they are happy!
It's a silly story, but when I prayed with faith, something happened.
A short time later, I went through tremendous suffering concerning my son. Did my faith hold up? The first few months, it did. Then I suddenly took up watercolors and other art and immersed myself in it and tried to abandon God. But it was really, I was testing God to see if he would lead me back. Then the second wave of suffering came.
I was angry. At God, at my lot in life, everything and I knew all the platitudes. I saw a therapist. And I prayed for my husband and my marriage, I fasted.
And then, one day I prayed and bravely voiced my feelings to my husband and something happened - he listened. What??
For the past 4 or more months, our marriage is stronger than ever! He prays with me, he has conversations about God with me, he is different with our son, we are new. I am new.
I have been praying for God to change my husband's heart and he did it! Through me? I don't deserve it.
The Bible is true. God rewards faith. I proved it over and over. It's not because I am good or particularly more obedient than anyone else. My motives are as selfish as anyone elses. But I believe him. Things happen. And he lets me see.
And I feel like John who says in 21:25
" Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written"