Anyway, I had a really rough day earlier, so I'm grateful for the banter! God used you to lift my spirits Cofty! I love a fun back and forth!
JoinedPosts by lriddle80
I find it interesting that after the cult people still hold on to religion....
by BeaverEater inim not an atheist, makes no mathematical sense, nor does the buy(more) bull(shit) god make any logical sense... maybe a deist on my best day, in the end you cannot get something from nothing, paradox if you ask me... but in reality i just dont care.
while in, and moving out of the cult, its like a roller coaster, emotionally, yet, for me, over time, i just take it one day at a time, and if appeasing some special deity is required, well i guess i failed.
I find it interesting that after the cult people still hold on to religion....
by BeaverEater inim not an atheist, makes no mathematical sense, nor does the buy(more) bull(shit) god make any logical sense... maybe a deist on my best day, in the end you cannot get something from nothing, paradox if you ask me... but in reality i just dont care.
while in, and moving out of the cult, its like a roller coaster, emotionally, yet, for me, over time, i just take it one day at a time, and if appeasing some special deity is required, well i guess i failed.
The God of the bible is far more complex than you or I can imagine is what it tells me. His ways are not our ways.
But it shows how he made a way for us to be saved and forgiven through Jesus so I, for one, am not worried about a tsunami or hell. And he is "with us" in the suffering. I have evidence of that!
I find it interesting that after the cult people still hold on to religion....
by BeaverEater inim not an atheist, makes no mathematical sense, nor does the buy(more) bull(shit) god make any logical sense... maybe a deist on my best day, in the end you cannot get something from nothing, paradox if you ask me... but in reality i just dont care.
while in, and moving out of the cult, its like a roller coaster, emotionally, yet, for me, over time, i just take it one day at a time, and if appeasing some special deity is required, well i guess i failed.
Ok, that's fair. God did it.
I think of Hebrews 10:30-31
For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
So, if you see how God killed all those people in Asia, that would scare me! I certainly don't want to fall into his hands! And I believe in hell, too, which many people don't find compatible with a loving God.
Yes, he is loving for sure and a bunch of other adjectives and scriptures, but be careful!
I find it interesting that after the cult people still hold on to religion....
by BeaverEater inim not an atheist, makes no mathematical sense, nor does the buy(more) bull(shit) god make any logical sense... maybe a deist on my best day, in the end you cannot get something from nothing, paradox if you ask me... but in reality i just dont care.
while in, and moving out of the cult, its like a roller coaster, emotionally, yet, for me, over time, i just take it one day at a time, and if appeasing some special deity is required, well i guess i failed.
The question of a tsunami disproving God?
It doesn't. God didn't save their lives. It's heartbreaking. He didn't save Jesus's life either. I'm glad for that.
He doesn't promise to save our human lives. Jesus raised Lazarus...he still died later.
Those people in the tsunami would have still died later. He did something to protect us from eternal death.
I find it interesting that after the cult people still hold on to religion....
by BeaverEater inim not an atheist, makes no mathematical sense, nor does the buy(more) bull(shit) god make any logical sense... maybe a deist on my best day, in the end you cannot get something from nothing, paradox if you ask me... but in reality i just dont care.
while in, and moving out of the cult, its like a roller coaster, emotionally, yet, for me, over time, i just take it one day at a time, and if appeasing some special deity is required, well i guess i failed.
I have heard the stories from people that were Muslims, Atheists, New Agers, Hindus, Buddhists, Jehovahs witness all tell a similar salvation story of how they came to faith in Jesus and how their lives were radically transformed.
You're right! A tower falling on people and murder are just events where people died. The message is clear.
Tsunamis, concentration camps, the senseless murders committed, the constant heartbreak we face everyday by people that supposedly love us, the Malaysian airplane that disappeared that we'll never know what happened, the political corruption, the word truth losing all meaning, technology not working, the constant barrage of anger, people committing suicide, families falling apart, the earth groaning, hurricanes, tornados, death of people we love, grief, loneliness, child trafficking, pedophiles, brick kiln slavery, slavery in general, rape, racism, are aliens real, is there a loch ness monster, I guess I could keep going.
These things don't disprove God, it just shows we need a savior because what other hope is there but God? Humans all over the world - atheists and believers of all religions -are trying to fight against all of this suffering! As an atheist I wonder why? If this is all meaningless leading to nothing? But do atheists put their hope in scientists or government to fix our suffering? That sounds silly because all people would have to unite in 1 mind and purpose to really fix anything and we know that isn't going to happen. The plane is going down! We need a parachute!
I find it interesting that after the cult people still hold on to religion....
by BeaverEater inim not an atheist, makes no mathematical sense, nor does the buy(more) bull(shit) god make any logical sense... maybe a deist on my best day, in the end you cannot get something from nothing, paradox if you ask me... but in reality i just dont care.
while in, and moving out of the cult, its like a roller coaster, emotionally, yet, for me, over time, i just take it one day at a time, and if appeasing some special deity is required, well i guess i failed.
What if it isn't just selection bias? Just because a natural disaster occurred, it doesn't mean God is not real! Jesus spoke about these things in
Luke 13
There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? 3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? 5 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
I find it interesting that after the cult people still hold on to religion....
by BeaverEater inim not an atheist, makes no mathematical sense, nor does the buy(more) bull(shit) god make any logical sense... maybe a deist on my best day, in the end you cannot get something from nothing, paradox if you ask me... but in reality i just dont care.
while in, and moving out of the cult, its like a roller coaster, emotionally, yet, for me, over time, i just take it one day at a time, and if appeasing some special deity is required, well i guess i failed.
I am a believer. I have always believed in God. It took me 10 years going to a Christian church and reading the Bible to finally admit that it reveals that Jesus is God (along with the Father and Holy Spirit). I would read a scripture clearly saying it and say Interesting! And one day, I just could not deny it anymore and I bowed my knee and then declared it! Shortly after that, a door opened to tell my mom about the Trinity concept whereas I would have been terrified before! It transformed me. You can believe or not believe, but I can't deny the supernatural "coincidences" that follow the things I pray about. The part I love most is the comfort I get when I am upset. It can come from anywhere. People will step up to defend me, it's amazing! I feel seen, loved and I have a hope and peace that transcends circumstances. There's also great purpose and adventure in my life as I pray and see how it all gets worked out!!
What Congregations and how many were you associated with ?
by smiddy3 inmelbourne: central cong,hawthorn east ,heidelberg ,preston ,reservoir,.
nsw : gosford .
Plant City Florida
To All Those Keen To Tell Us About Their Beliefs
by Simon inwe seem to have had an influx of religiots - the people who want to tell us all about how we / the wts / whoever are wrong, wrong, wrong about everything and how right they are.
they obviously have special insight, or voices (probably voices, right?
) telling them the real truth.. as proof, there is inevitably a wall of random scripture references and quotes.. sorry, but we're not here for that.
I believe in the Bible. I like discussing it. Jw don't like discussing it because it questions their incorrect theology and ruffles their cognitive dissonance causing them to get angry and run away.
There is a lot of ambiguity in the Bible which lends to debates. I think this is healthy.
Since this site is based on a religion, the Bible will ultimately always get brought up. Jesus will always get brought up. There's no better thing to discuss, in my opinion!! Keep seeking, keep discussing, I say!!❤️
Scholar and Fisherman
by Jorden inscholar and fisherman, i started this thread because i didn't want to highjack the one in regard to 588/568.. i just wanted to ask if you were both current active jw's that believe the jw's beliefs?.
do y'all believe the gb are the f&ds?
if the answers are no, then why do y'all defend so passionately the date 607?
I think JW think that they are in the true religion. So no matter what they are told to believe by the gb - they believe it because ultimately they don't care about actual truth. They are waiting for paradise, which they think they will earn by obeying the watchtower, which they think is basically the Bible and obeying the gb, who basically have said they may as well be Jesus. So, instead of obeying Jesus and the actual Bible, they are trusting in a religion and their own good works to save them and they give lip service to Jesus.