The story that got me was the wheat and tares. The wheat were the real Christians and the tares looked just like wheat but there was no life in them and they were burned in the fire. I wanted to be wheat!
The 2nd thing was the forgiveness that Christ offered. I had hurt a lot of people and paid no regard for the sacrifice Jesus made. And he was offering me forgiveness when I didn't deserve it! I was determined to do better in life and make him proud of me!
Years go by and I am trying to earn my salvation by performance because I grew up as a JW.
About 5 years ago I had been invited to the memorial by my mom and I started thinking about whether Jesus was created or God and I felt like I was spinning in darkness! Then, it occurred to me that I didn't have to know anything but that Jesus would save me if I asked him! So I bowed my knee!
Then I confessed Jesus as God because I knew in my heart that was true and I had denied it for far too long!
I heard the old hymn Rock of Ages and it said Should my zeal no respite know, should my tears forever flow. These for sin could not atone, thou must save and thou alone! And I realized I had been trying to earn it and trying to emotionally manipulate God with my tears. Jesus was enough and nothing I could do would save me! It freed me!
I felt new and had a different boldness!
I believed that Jesus loved me and that love is what carries me! Not the fear of the wheat and tares. But the fear of God is what caused me to come to him initially. The love of God keeps me coming back for more! And since the Holy Spirit dwells in me, I am sealed in him until his return! He set me free and now I only know his love!
So, that's an answer.