hamas: I know where to get some good c-4...untraceable to me or anyone else...I have a few kh's I'd like to see go up in a big mushroom cloud of smoke... The shunning never gets any easier..tears family and friends apart. (gives a shoulder to lean on) it's there if ya need it...(not that I actually MEAN the blowing up a kh bit or anything) (wouldnt want the authorities to bust in on my legal non-profit activities or anything)
Posts by zanex
I am so hurt. JW friend has disowned me :-(
by Hamas ini got to hear some real bad news
i was speaking to my 'best friends' sister only minutes ago.
my 'best friend' i used to do everything with.
Alone he sat
by TorturedSoul inalone he sat and stared .
at pictures hanging on the wall.... the photographs now old and grey .
not really there at all.... a slide show of his life .
excellent...it rings true to the core of many of us. Interesting isnt it? How this cultish borgish organization can give us such anger, pain, suffering, confusion, angst and yet at the same time give those of us like TS the ability to write heart stirring verse which strikes chords with a VAST array of different people is something that I am not sure I am able to understand but am grateful for. Through the fires we have gone and some have emerged with gifts and talents they were unaware they had. It was so for me. Write on TS...I look forward to more of your adept writing in the future...
"In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not wince nor cried aloud
under the bludgeonings of chance
my head is bloody but UNBOWED"
update on old jw friend
by zanex inwell as per my email a few weeks ago i met with a jw that is currently attempting to leave the org..it was quite an interesting meeting actually...he is just at the beginning of his departure of leaving the jw's so quite a few of his mannerisms were reminiscint of my own attitudes and perceptions.
it was a good meeting and we will be keeping in touch..its funny..i was straight up with him and told him that i had been having apprehensions about meeting with him and he asked if i trusted him and i was honest i told him no, that just because he and i were once jw's didnt mean that any measure of that trust carried over when i left the org.
i had to explain that to him...it wasnt anything personal but he is still technically a jw..he is still baptized and has not been df'd or da'd...for me that presented a very real issue.
I wish I would have had someone when I was leaving to show me the way or to give me some type of starting point to go from...I find it ironic that I am helping someone else leave...funny though..i never actively thought that I would have any type of impact upon ANY of those still within the clutches of the jw grip...good feeling...I am just going to try and keep it honest with him...I still have trust issues of my own when it comes to anyone still baptized, maybe this will be theraputic for me as well...hmmm never know about much of anything I suppose til ya actually go through it...
update on old jw friend
by zanex inwell as per my email a few weeks ago i met with a jw that is currently attempting to leave the org..it was quite an interesting meeting actually...he is just at the beginning of his departure of leaving the jw's so quite a few of his mannerisms were reminiscint of my own attitudes and perceptions.
it was a good meeting and we will be keeping in touch..its funny..i was straight up with him and told him that i had been having apprehensions about meeting with him and he asked if i trusted him and i was honest i told him no, that just because he and i were once jw's didnt mean that any measure of that trust carried over when i left the org.
i had to explain that to him...it wasnt anything personal but he is still technically a jw..he is still baptized and has not been df'd or da'd...for me that presented a very real issue.
well as per my email a few weeks ago I met with a jw that is currently attempting to leave the org..it was quite an interesting meeting actually...he is just at the beginning of his departure of leaving the jw's so quite a few of his mannerisms were reminiscint of my own attitudes and perceptions. It was a good meeting and we will be keeping in touch..its funny..I was straight up with him and told him that I had been having apprehensions about meeting with him and he asked if I trusted him and I was honest I told him no, that just because he and I were once jw's didnt mean that any measure of that trust carried over when I left the org. I had to explain that to him...it wasnt anything personal but he is still technically a jw..he is still baptized and has not been df'd or da'd...for me that presented a very real issue. He seemed naive and almost innocent on some level that I recall having been at. That instant "trust" that jw's are supposed to have for other jw's is something that I think he still has. It will fade in time I am sure of that. We had a good conversation though and agreed to keep in contact..I let him know that I did not want any jw involvement from any angle so to please keep my name from entering into conversation when talking to active jw's. I felt wierd...had never used all that anger and pain from those years as a jw to help someone else leave...he had already taken the first step but he thanked me for being suppportive and honest in my cynical manner. At any rate..I gave him the www to this site and he said he would check it out. I didnt get the name that he was going to use though...lol anyway thats my update!
New experience for me..advice, anyone?
by zanex ini have been out of touch with pretty much all of the old jw's that i used to hang around with while in new mexico.
i have been informed that one of those jw's that oddly enough happens to be related to my roommate that i am currently living with is coming to town and i have also been told that he is trying to leave the org and doesnt want to be any part of it anymore but he still has a lot of family in the religion...another twist anyone?
oh yeah he also is "coming out" he is gay.
wow, lots of good advice and questions from everyone! I knew there was a good reason I am on this site..ok lets go about this in order..
freedomrules:I am df'd now for 8 or so years, my pop is an elder, mom is extremely devout jw. I have a semi-professional, based on logistic relationship with my dad and not so much of anything with my mom. It has taken me years to get this much from them. As to whether anyone knows why I am not sure myself actually. I only vaguely recall what those members of that judicial commitee said that night to me. Their faces are clear but not the words. I honestly dont know what criteria one has to meet in order to be labelled an apostate so only can go by what I know of my father and their understanding of the word. You are very right in what ya said..irony within the jw system does not go to waste it seems. Yah he does have a lot going on right now. Yah letting him do the bulk of the talking sounds good to me. Good feedback! Thanxz!
Mav: yah if he is still close to the jdub infrastructure he will be either full of mush or hard as concrete...either way I have already done my "time in jw departure crisis" so know what to expect I imagine. Yah gonna send him this way too. I already have all of the books that have been used for jw departure..coc, awakenings of a jw..etc...so I am fully armed with the "sword of truth" LOL damn that was funny...
Granny: the feeling behind your post reflects a past that is probably very long and full of emotional experience. I thank you for that...he IS reaching out and I could possibly be the only one in a position to just listen to what he has to say. He isnt a bad guy..I never had any problems with him personally I think that I will be able to just sit and listen unobjectively and nonjudgementally. Thankxz
JamesThomas: Very good question..I have been molded to believe that when a time of persecution loomed close by that I would stand fast in the face of overwhelming odds in belief of a dubious at best religious system. That sentance is probably grammatically wrong but hope the point came across. To be honest I dont know what is going to happen..I guess I will just have to wait and see eh? It is good though for me to get feedback from those on here that may have been in similar situations. "Follow your heart" LOL funny words eh? All those years hearing that I should not listen to my heart and that it was treacherous and deceitful. LOL. Damn I'm glad I can still laugh about it!
Caligirl: True, you have a VERY good point there. I thought about that one for a bit...his non jw family know about his desire to leave to org. I couldnt come up with an answer to my own question of "why would he tell his non jw family all of this if he was NOT genuine?" I dunno...I think at this point the course of prudence with some room for empathic listening would be the best thing for me. I'll do it the way I have done most everything ELSE in my life...WING IT! lol...Thankxz!
Did You Feel Bad About How YOU Treated Disfellowshipped Ones?
by minimus inbeing an elder, i could talk to df's ones to see how they're doing.
the wt.
tells the rank and file that those disfellowsipped are as "dead" in jehovah's eyes.
yes...I do regret those disfellowshipped that I treated with cold disregard...karma is a bitch...
New experience for me..advice, anyone?
by zanex ini have been out of touch with pretty much all of the old jw's that i used to hang around with while in new mexico.
i have been informed that one of those jw's that oddly enough happens to be related to my roommate that i am currently living with is coming to town and i have also been told that he is trying to leave the org and doesnt want to be any part of it anymore but he still has a lot of family in the religion...another twist anyone?
oh yeah he also is "coming out" he is gay.
I have been out of touch with pretty much all of the old jw's that I used to hang around with while in new mexico. I have been informed that one of those jw's that oddly enough happens to be related to my roommate that I am currently living with is coming to town and I have also been told that he is trying to leave the org and doesnt want to be any part of it anymore but he still has a lot of family in the religion...another twist anyone? Oh yeah he also is "coming out" he is gay. I have no problem with homosexual people at all I have plenty of gay friends. I actually kinda feel for the guy cuz he is so in for a whale of a time leaving. He has told friends of mine here in town that I know that he wants my help and my advice/support blah blah blah...I am oddly enough suffering a problem with meeting him...I havent seen this guy in 10 some odd years and even back then we werent THAT close. I was on the outs long before he ever was. He was one of the ones that was ignoring me back then...not that he was important enough to pay any attention to but he was just another one of the rank and file. He used to hang with my sister and her friends back in the day. I on one side want to be able to help just because I remember the pains of my own leaving...I dont think that anyone should have to go through that...if anyone is going to be "shunned" then I want to be there to support them.
Then there is the other side of me that is suspicious of ALL things jehovahs witness. He is still technically baptized and has not made any type of open gesture of leaving the church. He still goes to meetings and blah blah blah...I get nervous that should I meet with him and open to him and share what I have found with him he will leave that meeting and randomly suffer a morality crisis and feel the need to purge himself of all that he has heard from one who is "fallen" to an elder or something at which point I am promptly labelled an apostate and word is sent to my parents who will undoubtedly cut what meager ties they have with me now as it is. I pose this situation to anyone here interested...I have been told that this guy is coming into town this thursday...any advice? Suggestions? Good ways to dispose of body without being caught? Peace... Freedom...
What's The Worst Job You've Ever Had?
by SYN inso what's the worst job you've ever had?.
book-servant at the kingdom hall would be pretty bad, but ministerial lawn servant is probably worse.. outside the society, probably my worst job was waitering.
i have a very short short-term memory, although this is more than made up for by my ltm, which means i made a really sh*te waiter, let me tell you.
hands down the worst job I have ever had was scrubbing pots, pans and tubs at a taco bell...good grief..it seems so long ago...I worked there like 2 weeks and finally threw the hat that the manager had given to me (for some reason he thought that I was under the illusion that I was happy working at taco bell and was proud of my hat) into a dirty vat of beans and mystery meat...never went back...
How Many Here Are DF'd, Disassociated Or Not Worried That They Might?
by minimus ini'm curious as to whether the majority of the board's disfellowshipped.
and i'm curious as to whether or not push came to shove, that you would not be overly distressed if you did wind up getting df'd........as time goes on, i am caring less.
df'd since early nineties....insanity set in shortly after that...ahh sweet sweet insanity how I do love it still...
If you could have been in any past movie...........it would be....??
by ScoobySnax inwell what movie would you have like to have been in?
any film, at any time.
i would have to say any of the starwars films...i've always wanted to whip out my light saber, and make that "arcking" sound they make.
Natural Born Killers, Clockwork Orange, Event Horizon, and thats it I think...kind of morbid list though...