Linkin Park...."Leave out all the Rest"
i'll share kenny chesney you save me.
Linkin Park...."Leave out all the Rest"
if you had to live life without one of your five senses, which one would you choose to give up.....sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste?
and why?.
do you think your view of the world would be a different reality?.
both parents were still not around anymore...(died) but he was deaf for as long as I can remember...
if you had to live life without one of your five senses, which one would you choose to give up.....sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste?
and why?.
do you think your view of the world would be a different reality?.
id give up my ears....been signing since birth so....seems to make sense to me. Being deaf that is....
i loved the 1980's and i guess that if i had a time machine, i'd go back to the early 1980's.
send me back to 1980 .
April 11, 1975....some unfinished business....but ifi could go back to that date even for even a few hours....
paintings, i mean.
i'm not looking for answers from an art major - just what kind of art do you like to have around you.
what's on your walls that you like seeing every day?
anything by Dali' for more than one reason but his art is intense....
i know many very honest jws.
if i had someone do work for me, clean my home, etc.----i'd generally be more at ease with a faithful jw over most others.
in the matter of housekeeping, i'd think that they might be nosier but i doubt they'd outrightly steal from me.. what's your thought on this subject?.
hi everyone, stumbled across this forum by chance when looking for more info on fred titanich.
i am an ex jw, i am 30, and grew up in the 'truth'.
i am a 5th generation witness, my dad was an elder, my mum a regular pioneer.
Welcome! This place has its ups and insane drop offs but its a good overall place to learn...AND pick up a few crazies along the way...but for the most part good folks here....WELCOME!
since you left, have you ever overheard or heard through the 'grapevine', what the local jw's say about you?
Yah i hear periodically the buzz that goes out bout me in the dub world....just it dont faze me any more so than the wind whistling up and down the freeway going through the em talk..
i am drinking real russian vodka (not stoli) mixed with vermouth on ice
some jasmine tea...good stuff....nice and warm...good stuff...
if i only got a nickel every time i heard an x jdub say i should write a book, i'd be a zillioniare.
Yes....but so much to wrtie about and the repercussions of writing a book are something that i have not fully come to terms with, but at some point the TRUTH will come day...