I want to thank my first replyers much for their responses. They raised issues I would like to clarify.
Are all things invisible a spirit.?
There is essentially no difference if at all between a spirit person and a spirit thing. We all for the most part attach physical characteristics to to spirits because we cannot accurate comprehend their precise nature.
The Bible in several ways cast light on the matter. One way is in Corinthians where it speaks of the things seen and unseen. The things seen are temporary and corruptible. The things unssen are everlasting and incorruptible. What science also now accepts is that things that truly cannot be seenlike time, space, thoughts and feelings are all not subject to any physical boundaries.
The Bible says for one thing God Is Love. He is its epitome. When anyone loves he is tapping into Gods spirit. Why it can rightly be said that physical characteristics donot accurately describe a spirit. The woman in the NT whose son had died and whose other son married the widow asked Jesus a probing question about the resurrection. She said in the resurrection to which son will the wife belong. She was told by Jesus that in the resurrection there will be no marriage. Those in the resurrection will be as angels. My inspiration is that he was definitely commenting on them becoming spirit beings.
As such they would no longer have any physical needs, discomforts or pains. The former things have passed away. Physical things are not a consideration for spirit creatures Making understanding the interaction between spirit beings more difficult to understand. If by nature they are incorruptible in what sense do they die but in a spiritual one. Therefore hell is a spirit condition resembling being everlastingly tormented without God who is love. What more of a hell could it be than live eternally without the love of God.
As I explained in the original post we are God;s Computer People. All things in our universe that are physical is the hardware and all things unseen (spiritual) is the software telling the Physical what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and even why to do it. The quality of our lives depend on us running the right software we access by belief.
Because of the spirit nature of thoughts, feelings, prayer, amd all forces like time, space and relativity. Regardless of what some believe they cannot be stored in the body. The brain therefore is not the storeplace for thoughts as the heart is not the storeplace for emotions/ Our body parts associated with these spirit things merely allows us a physical manifestation of these spirit things. They are hardware devices for again integrating our two beings together.
I make a plee to all skeptics that are willing to accept the possibility God exists and are not biased because of fear please read a eye opening book by Wayne Dyer called "You'll See It when You Believe It.
You'll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation
The account in the Bible of a man called legion provides another object lesson as to the nature of spirit things. We are told the man had a legion (many) demons that were driving him crazy. Certainly these were not demons in the sense of being persons.
Demons are any force (all unseen) that oppose the created purposes of God. One lesson it teaches us that many spirits can occupy or influence the same person as the same demon can influence or possess many people at once. Examples of mass possessions are like Hitlers hatred being passed on to in mass to the German people. Its a real eye-opener to correctly perceive the truth of mans life.
Please test all I have said to see if its from God (true)
Edited by - zechariah on 22 September 2002 7:47:7