Funkey Derek,
If your analogy is correct, then you're just another player in the game and have no way of knowing or understanding the programmer's intentions. So why should we pay any attention to you?
Part of successfully playing the game is realizing that enlightenment about God and his purposes comes from Holy Spirit granted those who like myself trust and believe in him. I have tested for myself my inspirations and have determined they are from God (true). I invite evrybody else to do the same.
If my analogy is right then it would be no different than the way we create games where the computer plays itself. Or the way Palmer was designed to appear to act independently. God as a quantam leaps superior program would design his human computer people to believe just as we do totally independently of anything.
Things of the spirit (software) guide and direct everything in our lives and are subject to spiritual laws of every nature. We have been given freewill or interactive play meaning only we can make free choices what inspirations we will obey or choose to belief. That which eminates from God (is true) or that whic eminates from te Devil (is untrue). We have the responsibility of testing every inspired utterance to see if its from God.
The game from beginning to end is completed. All the paths and doorways are set. Our interactive plays allows us to choose the paths we will take. God has preknowledge of where each paths leads and he warns us in advance by means of all he inspires. Gods intention is to perfect his Child mankind to be independent adults so they can take on greater challenges and responsibilities in the universe.
The rewards for playing the game well is passed on to the individual. God has the desire that no man has to die (spiritually/seperated from God) but be turned around.