Get back to the Hall or I'm dubbing you all in to the Elderberries! ..bloody backsliding miscreants.
welcome to the twilight zone syn
unclebruce a #7 - JW walkaway (similar to #3 but better ;)
i hope my user name doesn't offend anyone - it actually stands for the [syn] command your computer uses to connect to other computers on the web, not what you were thinking!.
is this board mainly for jw or ex-jw people?
curious.... also...i have heard the phrase 'dub' used to describe jw people.
Get back to the Hall or I'm dubbing you all in to the Elderberries! ..bloody backsliding miscreants.
welcome to the twilight zone syn
unclebruce a #7 - JW walkaway (similar to #3 but better ;)
i don't wanna be a jedi, i don't wanna be a jedi, you better not try and make me a jedi, you won't like me as a freak'n jedi!!!.
last year on h20 focus drew my attention to reading tolkien's lord of the rings.
i'd long appreciated the artwork and finally got arround to reading the book a few months ago.
The mighty dollar rules and most American films cater to the lowest common 4 year old. I think all the plotlines are terrible, they borrow from ancient myth and legend but water them down into baby slop and girl vomit lol. Thank God for spagettii westerns and euro trash. .. but I gotta admit Pulp Fiction was cool. ;)
Enjoy your treky knighthood ashitika, unclebruce.
PS: A friend of mine says he saw a movie review a few weeks back pointing out in minute detail the way George Lucas plaugerized Tolkien. StarWhatevers have never interested me but I'd like to see the comparisons drawn ... Saruman = Dolt Vader?
G'day ISP,
I'd very much like to but i am a very private person (believe it or not ;)
i don't wanna be a jedi, i don't wanna be a jedi, you better not try and make me a jedi, you won't like me as a freak'n jedi!!!.
last year on h20 focus drew my attention to reading tolkien's lord of the rings.
i'd long appreciated the artwork and finally got arround to reading the book a few months ago.
G'day mum,
Jeremy Cricket? That Walt Disney insect the Watchtower bible scholars condemed for preaching "let your conscience be your guide"?
i don't wanna be a jedi, i don't wanna be a jedi, you better not try and make me a jedi, you won't like me as a freak'n jedi!!!.
last year on h20 focus drew my attention to reading tolkien's lord of the rings.
i'd long appreciated the artwork and finally got arround to reading the book a few months ago.
Thankx ThiChi,
I've sat through a few episodes of Star Trek in the wee small hours and to me all the aliens look like judgmental yanks with various skin ailments .. carbuncle heads from ajax7 and so forth .. at least Red Dwarf shows Rimmer on the dunny and stuff. (although the "horsemen of the apocalypse" episode might have been ripped off from the works of Christ via mad John of Patmoss)
unclebruce, who'd rather be a puffed up hologram than a jedi kniget
i don't wanna be a jedi, i don't wanna be a jedi, you better not try and make me a jedi, you won't like me as a freak'n jedi!!!.
last year on h20 focus drew my attention to reading tolkien's lord of the rings.
i'd long appreciated the artwork and finally got arround to reading the book a few months ago.
Star Wars, Star Trek, Lost in Space, Mork from Mindy, My Flavored Martian .. all American sci-fi is the same, watered down blanderized middleclass American moralistic bilge and happy endings.
unclebruce dying for an unhappy ending
many thanks to stephanus for getting this started and all the hard work putting together the 'whos who' site.. i've added an additional box to the profile page where you can enter a short biography (plain text - no formatting yet).
this is displayed when people click on your profile link (the 'membership card' icon under you poster name).
i will add a link to the member listing page to indicate people who have biographies with a link to display them.. let me know if you have any problems.
ah thanks TJ,
that's probably what Simon meant by "in profiles" now i get it .. (i thought it was an adjunct to "whom's what"
hi folks!.
merry x-mas everyone!.
i m still in the canary-islands, but jumped into a cyber-cafe, and wanted to wish you all a merry x-mas.
Have a great christmas time you mad pagan bastard! ... whatzat? .. Some poor canary's got a viking tooth imbedded in its bum? LOL
take care ol' sexy butt .. unc.
greetings and felicitations to all of you great people!.
please answer some survey questions, if you're interested.
then i'll write the rationale.
ON THE AVERAGE, spouses resemble each other slightly but significantly in almost every physical feature examined.
Well Pat, it fits with the theory that all love is self love .. now where do i find a bearded lady?
can anyone remember this being in print or hearing the same thing .... i remember more than one talk where the suggestion was made that the larger-than-life greek heroes were the same nephalim or "mighty ones of old" mentioned in the bible.. does anyone else remember this?
Yes Simon,
I have no Watchtower publication reference to this however recall Hercules often being ignorantly compared to that angry maniac Sampson (if Jehovah's spirit enters into a man and moves him to such selfish violent excesses i'd rather live without it thanks ;)
Trouble for the watchtower society in saying such things is they add authenticity to and run the risk of arousing a young mans curiosity and interest in the myths and legends of antiquity.
It's eyeopening to see the remarkable similarities of the life of the saviour Hercules and that of the saviour Jesus. As are the similarities and reflections of Greek myth and legend in Johns Revelation.
Most if not all biblical stories are copied from Egypt, Persia and Greece. (including a large portion of Psalms being a direct copy from the Egyptian book of the dead and the ten commandments almost a word for word uplift from a section of the Egyptian military code)
At least Zeus and Hera had a good sex life. Perhaps if Jehovah got layed once in a while he wouldn't have been so uptight ;)