Let's see now chaps, we can do better than this .. The biblical Kingdom of God is like a loaf of bread, it smelt good as a fresh idea but after a while the maggots got in and only desperate dogs would eat it. (hey go easy you merry christian bablenuts .. i could'a said your kingdom of God is like a shit sandwich but without the bread)
Let God speak for herself I say .. or better still stay in the kitchen and let me get on with life ;)
unclebruce (short on recipies for universal governancy boys)
PS: OK, OK, I'll be serious .. Nice points all, we can play "this is what Luke really meant" till the cows come home .. but without understanding or even reference to historical context you're just playing with yourselves. Here's the historic truth in a nutshell - These words were attributed to Jesus by Paul via Luke yes? Pauls agenda was to turn the Jewish diaspora against Jesus Nazarites and thus strengthen the Roman/Pharisee hold on the religious/political affairs of Palestine yes? Would you not call that process of myth/Christ making employed by Paul throughout the Greek speaking world a levening? Simple eh? (but way over the heads of our resident bible scholars and history bluffs no doubt. lol)
schools out .. off you go .. enough god bothering for today .. geez, how do you people hold a straight face? (i guess not being able to sleep at night does that to fundamental jesusfreaks and biblenutters ;)