Hail to thee O Great Island Woman,
Well, I really can't speak for anyone else but myself. The society I now move about in is a secular one. Organized religion plays little or no active role in the lives of most Australians. But that hasn't stopped us decorating our homes with pretty lights and christmas trees. It doesn't deminish the joy of giving each other presants wrapped in pretty paper. People do laugh and smile more than usual this time of year. We Aussies are eternal optimists and it has nothing to do with ones view of bible scrolls and such. I'm no Freud and it's a boring thing to annalyse but i guess we all breath a sigh of relief that 2001 is over and a fresh new start is had. In one sense it's an illusion but what in life isn't? The happiness is contageous and the goodwill genuine. Outside I hear the neighbours children playing and splashing about in the pool .. wonderfull. (the spanish guy in the flat below this one has gone out witnessing ... poor bastard)
If and when the totalitarians seize power and grill us as to why, we'll just laugh in the face of thier tyrany the way we always do.
Who cares why free people are happy and laugh at the slightest excuse. Who cares if people visit churches and sing carols by candlelight for the feel good factor. Didn't we leave off judging others harshly when we wiped the Hall dust off our feet? Not easy is it?
cheers unclebruce