I was/am still "in" and was in 75. I was a young lad then...But the information provided to you is sound. MANY were misled, and left. I was not one of them to be misled then, however, when you concider all the prophesys they [the g.b.] have made and predictions, it leaves you holding the bag and wondering what the real truth is. I realize they are only human, and subject to mistakes. But dammit, they have a responsiblility before god, even according to them, to lead the sheep. And where are they leading them? Off the cliffs. A close examination of the wtbts teachings and philosephys leads a common folk even like me to begin to wonder what I am really doing in this organization. They are taking 6 million lives with them, and are you to be one of them? To follow because they "say" they are directed by God, and his holy spirit? Take another look, please. Do some half @$$ed research and you can plainly see that there is a major problem here. If you look at the w.t. and take it as is, and do nothing else, than it all sounds so nice doesn't it? Take some time to look a tad deeper my friend. I don't have all the answers, and I dont even know where I will go from here...but belief in God and his son and the bible are rock solid. Believe in "man" and follow "man" [man=g.b.=wtbts] and you might as well stick a ring in your nose for them to lead you off. And where will they lead you? wanted a j.w.'s opinion, you got one. Hows that?
Sitting on the Wrong Side of the Fence Class