[Q]What I'm wondering now is, is the Internet starting to fill that gap in providing a place for disaffected Witnesses to go to? I know many will never leave, but do you think that more, who otherwise would have stayed in, are leaving because the Net is providing such a wealth of answers to questions like, "Where else is there to go to? Who else has the truth? "
I think it provided those answers for me. Twelve years ago I could never have imagined that I would leave the Witnesses. The Internet made all the difference to me.
The Internet gave me the answers or the availability to answers to questions that had been burning inside me for DECADES.
The Internet is an excellent source of information, and MISinformation. One must carefully figure out what is what in order to make an educated decision.
This is why the organization of watchtower leaders is harping on the membership to stay away from the internet, chatting with unknown people who could be apostates and such. What one does in ones own home is for the most part private. The watchtower followers are secretly researching and finding out their own answers.
The watchtower leaders are realizing that great numbers are " cooling off " because Education and Information are readily availble on the SuperHighway we call.....
The Internet
Posts by zev
Is the Internet An Answer to the JW Cliche Lament - "Where Else Can We Go?"
by Seeker4 inin his article at freeminds on when prophecies fail, about the witnesses and cognitive dissonance, randy watters wrote the following, including an insightful quote from barbara harrison grazzutti.
it may seem incomprehensible how the witnesses could ignore the implications of each disconfirmation.
outsiders view the witnesses as lacking common sense for not leaving the organization after numerous failures.
its time to say.....BYE BYE
by zev inno long...... "see you later's"....just bye bye.. .
my time has come to leave this place.
thanks for the memories, good times, and useful information.. .
no long...... "see you later's"....just bye bye.
my time has come to leave this place. thanks for the memories, good times, and useful information.
my contact information is hvinelinux (at) hotmail.com
add me to your address books, send me email or whatever, i'll welcome you with open arms.
Good Bye!
What are your favorite Sci Fi Movies or Books?
by joelbear inwhat are your favorite sci fi movies or books.. mine.. asimov's foundation series.
clarke's childhoods end.. the day the earth stood still.
close encounters.
asimov: foundation and robor series
battlestar galactica, the new show.
star trek original, next gen, deep space 9. the rest i slept throught.
you ought to see my netflix list. nearly 300 movies, and lots of sci-fi.
anyone want to invite me, pm me and i'll send you my i.d.
Should I get Disfellowshipped? (sorry, it's excommunicated, now)
by Lilycurly inmy mother and i have been baptised, and we both faded.
without a try from anyone, elder or other to get us back.
the thing is, my father is still in.
when did it change from disfellowship to excommunication?
Watch Tower sues Quotes for $100,000 plus plus plus...
by Quotes incourt file no.
superior court of justice.
watchtower bible and tract society of .
What would really be embarassing is if they had all the Kingdom Ministries included on the CD-ROM.
they do
Mark Hurricane Relief Donations for the World Wide Work
by Honesty inhttp://mysite.verizon.net/vze4zk5x/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/watchtower-relief-effort.mp3
it was too good to wait till the weekend
Mark Hurricane Relief Donations for the World Wide Work
by Honesty inhttp://mysite.verizon.net/vze4zk5x/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/watchtower-relief-effort.mp3
just love how he says, don't mark it for the hurricane relief, just "for the world wide work", no special provisions for the poor homelss brothers down there.
sounds like a shaky deal.
My undisfellowshipping
by kwintestal inrevised statementhere's the sound byte.
(i hope it works!
i'll pm you with my email, i can host it.
what do y'all think of this gadjet/have gadjet, your inpressions & thoughts
by zev inhttp://www.4-ordering.com:911/myauto/tfs/.
i have to drive 50 miles a day, and although i get good mileage (for an american 6 cylinder) i could use a few more mpg's already i use the cruise, set it to 65 and let people get pissed off behind me.
that is the speed limit, and i am trying to keep the fuel costs down.
anyone use this?
or know anyone who does?
i have to drive 50 miles a day, and although i get good mileage (for an american 6 cylinder) i could use a few more mpg's already i use the cruise, set it to 65 and let people get pissed off behind me. that is the speed limit, and i am trying to keep the fuel costs down. it seems to be working. i also use my motorcycle whenever i can. at 40mpg, that helps too.
anyway, any ideas?
What year did you graduate from high school?
by Dimples ini graduated from high school in 1984!
class of 84 rocked!
1984 graduate.
cumberland high school , cumberland RI 1980