does hawkaw still post here? i need to get ahold of him.
Posts by zev
Need some input...
by zev injw's have been making pests of themselves at my house.
2 weeks ago 2 guys came here and gwen let them have it, nicely.
they will never be back she thought, and so did i. well today, while i was at a job, two ladies came by (one has been here before, and i have met her, but i don't know her).
Need some input...
by zev injw's have been making pests of themselves at my house.
2 weeks ago 2 guys came here and gwen let them have it, nicely.
they will never be back she thought, and so did i. well today, while i was at a job, two ladies came by (one has been here before, and i have met her, but i don't know her).
quandry, especially seeing as how they have a child molester in the local congregation. tsk tsk. anywho, just put a folder on my desktop with all the un stuff in it, all i have to do is fix some bad links and stuff and HOPEFULLY it will be back up on my server today.
Need some input...
by zev injw's have been making pests of themselves at my house.
2 weeks ago 2 guys came here and gwen let them have it, nicely.
they will never be back she thought, and so did i. well today, while i was at a job, two ladies came by (one has been here before, and i have met her, but i don't know her).
taken under advisement. still inm a quandry what to do, i concidered making a trip to the local kh where these dubuales are from but that would only get me arrested because i know i would get myself in trouble at the first sarcastic and pompus ass remark. gary, the site has been down for 3 + years, yahhoo killed it without a word or notice. i still have it on cd to put back up, and now that my web server in actually in my house, maybe i will.
"city confidential" on A & E about JW-- on right now
by crazyblondeb ini just started watching "confedentail" on a & e. it just mentioned a connection to the jw's and showed the kh.
it's about a russian ballet dancer who murdered his wife.
either her, or her mom was a jw.
watching it now.
Looking for newest Watchtower CD Rom
by AK - Jeff ini know that reexamine has it for download, but the site is down.
any other ideas?.
jeff .
i'd appreciate a link i a pm. i dont use it but my gwen sure does :-) two weeks ago when a couple hosers came by she gave them something to read..... they said no thanks. she said, its from the watchtower cd .... HA! what a hoot she is!
Need some input...
by zev injw's have been making pests of themselves at my house.
2 weeks ago 2 guys came here and gwen let them have it, nicely.
they will never be back she thought, and so did i. well today, while i was at a job, two ladies came by (one has been here before, and i have met her, but i don't know her).
Jw's have been making pests of themselves at my house. 2 weeks ago 2 guys came here and Gwen let them have it, nicely. They will never be back she thought, and so did I. Well today, while I was at a Job, two ladies came by (one has been here before, and i have met her, but i don't know her). here is the bottom line. they were fishing for information about ME. they made it a point to only come here to fish, they were not here "working " the street. Gwen was outside in the driveway when they came, so she knew ho they were. (jw's). The other guys that were here realized that Gwen was an ex-witness and remembered her from her childhood years, and questioned her about coming back. to which she said no. not interested. obviously. Anyway this lady was asking about ME, knew I used to be in a congregation 25 miles away, knew i had 2 stepkids. Asked if i was disfellowshipped, but Gwen said, not, disassociated. and anyways what difference does it make, either way you people view him the same way. she said maybe, it depends. i do not know this woman, yet she was able to put gwen and myself as kids together, and make the connection to our being together now, and was still fishing for onformation. Gwen figured that she was looking for info for my ex-wife. I don't think so, because she didn't know anyone here, and never became freinds with anyone here in my first original congregation i grew up in. so what are these people fishing for? what difference does it make 4 years AFTER the fact, AFTER i have been gone, left and disassociated to these people? can i send them a threatening letter letting them know that if they keep this up, i'll sue the panties off of them personally, congregationally, and orgnaizationally? is there a drive for the sisters to ferret out the apostate ex-brothers for future "visits"? what can i do to put an end to these people coming here and fishing, stalking, and prying into my life? thanks. Harold
Shunning mom is floored by UN scandal..first she's heard of it.
by restrangled indue to my husbands interactions with my mom with questions about the history of the wbts, i received a phone call from her.
(keep in mind she is 72 years a witness).
i brought up the un thing and she said, thats from apostates.
there is always hope....
Did You Ever "Tell Off" An Elder or Circuit Overseer?
by minimus ini know of very few that would "dare" tell off a co but elders were different.
having been an elder for many years, it was very easy to go back and forth with a fellow elder and basically tell him he was dumb.
NOT proud to say i have stood toe to toe on more than one occation and battled it out with co's do's and elders. mostly, elders. and i never cared who heard me. the only thing that really disturbed me is that i wanted TO KNOCK their lights out more than once. they really got my blood boiling.
NEWBIES how many of you
by plmkrzy inhave joined in the past month or two?.
i can't keep up there seems to be so many so i wanted to start a welcome thread for new newbies.. sorry if this was already done recently.. note: the in-built search system is currently being redeveloped so i am not able to check for this topic without looking through tons of pages.. anyway...say hello!.
NOT me
7,000-year Creative Days, Apostates, and Syphilis,
by Amazing incurrently, a number of jws seem to think that the earth was created 7,000 years ago, basing this in part on the society teaching that one day is as a thoudand years.
thus, since we are near the end of the seventh creative day, then the earth and all life on it are only about 7,000-years old.
however, this is not official watchtower teaching, unless the society has made a radial change in the last 14-years that i somehow missed.. the february 1, 1973 watchtower, pages 82-83 deal with this topic:it should be remembered that trees and other vegetation have been on earth much longer than man.
syphilis, left unchecked and untreated will make you go mad!
it will eventually kill you.
I am seeing a pattern here with Jim's post, don't you?