JoinedTopics Started by adonoyechod
Humor & Sarcasm
by adonoyechod inin ref to the article about the nwt having clarity of language: great post!
still i fear that there are many other verses out there that are so taken out of their context.
of course we don't all have to be greek scholars or hebrew scholars to know that there is something so very wrong with, "you have greased my head" and while a verse like this can and should be considered peripheral material, in the sense that it has nothing to do with their salvation, there are verses in the nwt that merit, not our laughter, but our serious consideration in light of the fact that they rely so heavily on these false interpretations and alterations of holy scriptures, thus the veil over their eyes.
Do They Really Believe In The Trinity?
by adonoyechod inin order to produce a publication such as "should you believe in the trinity", someone had to go through all the extensive material utilized i.e the encyclopedeas, the dictionries and the articles.
seeing that most of the quotations in that publication were taken out of their context it is therefore safe to assume that the "bowl of salad" method was used, meaning that they only picked the parts they they felt proved their point and discarded the rest.
consider for a moment the time it takes to read all the materials needed to produce this publication.
Is The "Light Gets Brighter" Doctrine...
by adonoyechod ini have often read, been told, and heard by jw's that the light gets brighter and brighter.
i realize that this particular phrase comes from the bible, but i fail to see it's application anywhere in the nt or ot.
at least in the manner in which they explain it.