OK, lets start at the top.
The IPCC Charter
The IPCC is not in itself a scientific body. It is primarily a inter-governmental body whose purpose is to affect political policy. Its stated purpose is:
“The role of the IPCC is to assess ... information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. ... Since the IPCC is an intergovernmental body, review of IPCC documents should involve both peer review by experts and review by governments.”
Its existence is predicated upon the assessment of “human induced climate change”. In other words its ongoing funding relies on the continued study of “r isk of human-induced climate change”. Would it surprise anyone here that a inter-government agency confirms an ongoing issue that requires their continued funding? I'm sorry, but call me skeptical whenever politics are involved.
Internal and external doubts have been raise regarding the independence, objectivity and political adgenda of the IPCC review process.
An examination of the review process revealed a “buddy network” of reviewers reviewing each others work to the same end.
I mention these discrepancies not to completely discredit the massive efforts that the involved contributors have done. But the potential for a continued agenda and possible conflicts of interest exists with objectivity as a casualty.
Besty: Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely (at least 90% probability) due to the observed increase in anthropogenic (human) greenhouse gas concentrations. YOU DISAGREE WITH THIS? Absolutely, I disagree. This 90% probability relies on computer modeling? IPCC's modeling is spectacular disgrace with real word failure rate of 96%. Former and current IPCC contributors have spoken out against the inability of these computer models to accurately predict climate change: "The scientists, many of whom are current and former UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientists, noted, "Significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming." The following is the text of the letter and the list of signatories." http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=164002 |
IPCC models used to forecast warming have both failed to predict the past when presented with the data, as well as the present cooling trend we're experiencing since 2003.
- http://icecap.us/images/uploads/DOUGLASPAPER.pdf http://www.atmosp.physics.utoronto.ca/people/vyushin/Papers/Govindan_Vyushin_PRL_2002.pdf
- http://sss.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/35/6/895 (abstract only)
What is your basis for contending this modeling is reliable ?
Serious doubts remain about CO2 as a climate driver - it never has before.
The Sun is that most energetic it has been in the last 1100 years and until recently has platued at “an unusually high activity”. A large body of research clearly shows the Sun as a primary climate driver, unlike CO2.
- http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/08/040803093903.htm
- http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1996GeoRL..23..359C
- http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0706/0706.3621.pdf
- http://www.springerlink.com/content/q1740143246t005l/ (abstract only)
- http://ppg.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/23/2/181
- http://www.acrim.com/Reference%20Files/Phenomenological%20solar%20contribution%20to%20the%201900-2000%20global%20surface%20warming.pdf
Figure 3: (a) The northern hemisphere land temperatures are plotted with the solar cycle length (Friss-Christensen and Lassen; 1991).
(b) The globally averaged sea surface temperatures are plotted with the sunspot numbers (Reid; 1999). Both sunspot number and solar cycle length are proxies for the amount of solar energy that Earth receives. The similarity of these curves is evidence that the sun has influenced the climate of the last 150 years.
Earth is recently cooling not warming and the trend is predicted to continue. The Sun's intensity has recently begun to wane along with temperature trends which are expected to continue their retreat.
At 380 ppm Earth's atmosphere is near its all time low.
Earth has been warmer than it is now, sea level tens of feet higher than they are now, and glaciers totally melted all by natural drivers .
Here's the rub. Indications are that our sun has entered a period of diminished activity. If CO2, for the first time in Earths history, is driving the climate despite the Sun, then this fact will be demonstrated for all. Developed countries have made efforts to meet emmissions rductions and are failing miserably. When the time comes to review these efforts (2012) harder choices will have to be considered and recent trends will no doubt factor. If global warming re-emerges as a dominant trend in spite of reduced solar activity then the voices of alarm will carry the weight they deserve. If however, trends continue to follow the Sun's lead then Global Warming will likely be the next chapter in this classic (which, BTW is an excellent read).