Get to your state welfare office: Most states will help you out. Look in the phone book (here it is in the blue pages) and go to your closest one. Fill out the appropriate forms, and you might even get health insurance. It's out there, just not very highly publicized.
Money stresses are the worst, my friend, and you might do well to file for bankruptcy, if you have credit cards, utility payments, and medical bills hounding you, in addition to past due rent, etc. Messes up your credit, but breaks a lot of chains.
Remember, this is only temporary. You WILL get through it.
I admit it, I pray a lot when I'm facing financial trouble, and I think it helps in a very material way. Not sudden wealth, but getting by for today - and that's all that Christ told us to ask for. Having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things.
Empty words, maybe, but I mean them with all my heart. One day at a time, friend, one day at a time.