Oh, boy... wow, that's a tough gig.
First of all, JW's are wrong, completely and utterly wrong about most of the things they teach. Keep coming back to this site to learn more. Study 1975 for starters to learn how they use apocalyptic statements to attract and control followers.
Get your husband to come here and look up stuff like the UN / NGO debate, child abuse... these things will mean more to him than to you.
Don't let the cult isolate you from your family! Don't stop celebrating the holidays with them! The cult is a well-oiled machine at tearing you apart from your family! If your husband is hell-bent on going back, you'll need to be strong, very strong, to avoid getting sucked in.
Remember, all they want is to tell you exactly what to do all the time. Run away!
Get some books like Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz (you can get it on Amazon). He was a member of the WT's Governing Body and he got kicked out for having a different opinion on things.
I'm sure many others will have advice, but mostly, don't let the WT get between you and your life!