Simple solution: vote in slacks for women.
CZAR is suddenly swept off his feet by a cheering crowd of long repressed sisters who cuddle and fondle him in a tormented fantasy worthy of Caligula.
this happened in the mid 80's at a circuit assembly in wisconsin.
the "brothers" decided they had the solution to the long lines for the ladies room.
they went in there and covered the mirrors with brown paper.
Simple solution: vote in slacks for women.
CZAR is suddenly swept off his feet by a cheering crowd of long repressed sisters who cuddle and fondle him in a tormented fantasy worthy of Caligula.
apostate logical fallacies part 2 of 2
in my first essay on common fallacies former jehovahs witnesses commit in reference to the society i explained the error of generalizing individual witness behavior to that of the entire society.
the other errors i notice (to a certain degree i realize they are my opinions) are related to this, yet somewhat different.
I'm inclined to agree with Lady Lee. I think that though they may still really believe that the end is "just around the corner" there comes a point when a leader has to answer for his decisions. Those who have been given more are held to a higher standard.
They should have looked harder at the evidence, not been so proud, so unwilling to admit wrongdoing. Humility can cover a great deal of missteps, and can correct them before they become death dealing. However, their insane insistence on attaining some nonexistent concept of purity leads to the deaths of young children, of people in Malawi, while they recline in the lap of comfort and security in their idyllic surroundings - vote themselves the right to another blood fraction to sustain their withered, wasted lives - get their Society car washed and waxed by the kids they've shamed out of college - join the U.N. to get a library card while denying a 25 cent political card to the brothers in Malawi - and cruise along to another convention where they will be lauded and applauded... well, if they can't tell that what they are doing is at least hypocritical, then they are being willfully blind. And willful blindness is merely a type of evil, a type that has no courage, no backbone, no force of conviction to drive it along.
Lastly, Hitler really believed the Jews were bad. Stalin really believed that his enemies in the army were out to get him. Did their conviction excuse their behavior? No.
So, while it may be illogical to say that "not everything" coming out of Brooklyn is wrong, pardon us while we duck to the side to avoid anything from that heap of lies, manipulation, and double dealing. Please, even the Bible book for kids they released this summer is rife with primitive mind manipulation, full of fear and threats of Armageddon. We just can't trust the few facts they put into their magazines, probably gleaned from websites like the Mayo clinics, in order to spice up the old lie that the End is Coming.
from another thread:where else does the media so vividly show females as equal .
when i read this, i had to wonder: is there something wrong with doing so?
portraying women as equals?
Women CAN do anything they want.
I don't want them to. Working for and with women results in what I call an "estrogenated atmosphere." Gossip, bitterness, backbiting... all of it from the women. The men are much more easy going, in my experience.
I hate working for women. I have found them to be inconsistent, paranoid as to their authority, resentful of any ideas or contributions I've made. A woman boss is the reason I quit my job at a newspaper, and I think her reverse sexist ultra-feminist attitude was the basis for her hatred of me.
When there is a nice, relaxed atmosphere, a balance of men and women working, then it is a lot better. Even some women have mentioned that it is nice to be working with a man as opposed to a woman, because in their experience the women have been petty and micromanagers.
Now that I work in a coffee shop, it's a lot easier to get along with everyone...
Women that feel the need to prove themselves are horrible to work for and with. Women that can kick it and joke around with the boys are great. So I guess it is an individual thing.
i just obtained a copy of one of the new releases from the summer jw district conventions, learn from the great teacher.
this book is oriented towards children, and frankly, is a stereotypical piece of propaganda from the "faithful and discreet slave".
in some ways the book is incredibly revealing, since it has to break down a number of ridiculous jw teachings into a form that even jw children can swallow, and when those teachings are put into simplest form their ridiculousness is evident to everyone but small children and stereotypically braindead jws.
We're trying to apply the laws of a desert culture of escaped Egyptian slaves to the post-modern high-tech era, and we are surprised when it doesn't work out?
Are you silly?
So what if Christendom has believed in it for 2000 years? That's all the more reason to toss it, because the laws that worked (partially) when the Romans ruled, or King William invaded England simply don't work in our age! They didn't have an equal rights amendment, or condoms, or birth control pills.
People sold virgins like commercial products because they were a kinky form of pleasure. "Have a virgin!" was the cry like "Take some E!" at a rave. Hey, they made their own entertainment back then, and virgins was one of them. Ergo the whole discussion of property rights. After all, if you bought a TVO and it didn't tape all the Star Trek you wanted, wouldn't you be pissed? Same thing, if you came home with a faulty virgin.
Interestingly, even Joseph didn't want to have Mary put to death when he thought she cheated on him, and the Bible called him a righteous man for that attitude. Ergo, the whole death thing is overrated and silly.
Dump the Law, and get laid, man. The only one holding you back is your own bizarre grasp of what some dead Jews thought was important.
examples of hate speech
"there is a huge gap between us (jews) and our enemies not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience.
they are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy.
No, Israel should not exist. But it does. Deal with it. Yes, the Jews are just as guilty of genocide, oppression and everything as anybody else. The Palestinians will continually be used by their Arab "brothers" to wage a proxy war against Israel. The Jews use the fundamentalist Christian Americans to defend them. It's all crap. I hate the whole question.
Nuke Jerusalem and Mecca and Rome and have done with it. evacuate both cities and then destroy them. Burn our religious bridges. We are alone, and there is no help coming from God, except through the individual decision to become a better person.
It would be nice, ideally, to send all the extremists into some kind of bubble where they could kill each other all day and not hurt anybody else.
Oh wait, that would be hell, wouldn't it?
Ever think that maybe we were sent here because of something we've done in another world, and this planet is the bubble where we can do whatever we want to each other with no eternal consequences, just the misery and pain that naturally result from such exercises of power?
Maybe this earth IS hell? I mean, think about it, insoluble problems, an overabundance of resources but a complete inability to distribute them because of our own folly, eternal conflict, unending strife, horrible lives where death is a mercy... sheesh, I just hope the next world is better run where I can do theater without all of this political crap.
last night some whacko beat me up while i was in bed.
nothing is broken, but i'll be seriously bruised for a while.
my left shoulder blade took the most of the beating when i had huddled face down, with legs tucked underneath and arms wrapped around my head and ribs for protection.
Hey Yiz,
Sorry to hear about that. Hang in there. It's tough to know what to do when that kind of stuff starts happening. Hope you're okay.
Will pray for you... things are slowly picking up in terms of the economy, as well, so maybe something will come along.
jehovah the creator has announced his holy intention of not consuming any food until the presence of anti-war hippies is removed from his shows.
upset at the continual presence of young people protesting the u.s. and british intervention in iraq, jehovah announced that either they quit bugging him or he will famish himself as a statement of support for the violent overthrow of saddam hussein.. "i'm an artist," said jehovah, in an interview at gator's saloon in bloomfield, pa. "it's my responsibility to overcome stupidity and short sightedness.".
while the concept of a supreme being getting involved in earthly politics may be upsetting to some, the source of dynamic energy is an ardent supporter of political demonstrations of military strength.
Jehovah the Creator has announced His holy intention of not consuming any food until the presence of anti-war hippies is removed from his shows. Upset at the continual presence of young people protesting the U.S. and British intervention in Iraq, Jehovah announced that either they quit bugging Him or He will famish himself as a statement of support for the violent overthrow of Saddam Hussein.
"I'm an artist," said Jehovah, in an interview at Gator's Saloon in Bloomfield, PA. "It's my responsibility to overcome stupidity and short sightedness."
While the concept of a supreme being getting involved in earthly politics may be upsetting to some, the Source of Dynamic Energy is an ardent supporter of political demonstrations of military strength. In his earlier career, he literally made a big splash with his "Egyptian Army Faked Out At Red Sea" display.
"It was a time of continual building in that particular scene, emphasis on pyramids and eternal statues, I thought perhaps it was time to try something new, and show off my abilities of destruction," said the God of Mercy.
"Sodom and Gomorrah: Trial By Fire" was also a popular work, although the only eyewitness was turned into a pillar of salt for looking.
"It was my attempt to get the audience involved in the work, by merely observing, they became part of the art!" said God, defending his controversial decision to turn Mrs. Lot into a column of preservative.
His latest work, "Hungry God" will begin on September 11, 2003, as a protest against the protesters. Although the mechanics of how the source of all energy could ever possibly feel the pangs of hunger have not as yet been finalized, God is confident that soon the "peace loving wimps" will be on their knees, trying desperately to give God a cole-slaw hamburger from Primanti's.
"Yep, that'll teach 'em," said the Great Teacher.
His motivations for the work are primarily based in the corpulence of Michael Moore, the outspoked liberal entertainment icon whose rant at the Oscars created a great deal of publicity for the anti-war movement.
"He looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy, except H.R. Puffenstuff occasionally says something meaningful, like 'Hee hee!'" said Jehovah disparagingly.
"I want to be the anti-Moore." said Jehovah.
Michael Moore could not be reached for comment, as he was at Fat Camp, a weight reduction facility he has attended each year without success since he was eleven, although reports indicate he has gotten his Crafts and Needlepoint badges every summer.
For more on Jehovah's career go to:
nabonidus -- 17 years.
nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years.
nabonidus -- 17 years
If the truth requires the mind-bending examination of hundreds of artifacts - then God is being selfish in regards to those that would have no access to those artifacts or histories.
The truth is simple, easily explained, and requires no backup because it is self-validating. So simple that god could cause a stone to teach it to you.
We work hard - treat your neighbors well - do what we find out that we are good at - serve God and pray.
End of story. Put not your faith in these carved tablets. They didn't save their writers. The Bible does not save you. Only being a good, kind, reasonable person will.
last night we had a hell of a storm here.
there was thunder, lightning, pouring rain and wind.
personally i love stormy nights, cuddled up to hubby in a warm bed.
I remember one day I woke up (I was fifteen) and when my parents came up to get me, I told them I didn't want to be a JW anymore.
This led into a long, heartfelt conversation about my life that (oopsie!) extended past the time that going out in service would be possible.
So I tried to get into these tearful, heart to heart hugging talks with my mom or dad once a month, usually on Saturday or Sunday. It was all BS, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
When I pioneered, I would count the time I spent with unbaptized publishers as time. Even at the pool or the donut shop, the clock never stopped ticking! Every five minutes or so I'd ask, "What's Jehovah's name?" get my answer, and count an RV.
Heh heh heh.
here's a question for you all... why does the society insist that all concession stands be closed at their convention facilities?.
i can understand that back when they provided their own food service, they would not want the competition.
(and in all fairness, their service was undoubtedly cheaper for the friends, many of whom have limited funds.
They claim that its because it would create a "worldly" presence and atmosphere at a convention. My natural response was, "Well, aren't we supposed to have these things so that anyone who wants to can come drink from life's water free?"
Stupid WT.