Well, the hub of their apocalyptic argument revolves around Matthew 24 and Luke 21, which they apply to our day, saying that the wars, diseases, famines, earthquakes all describe our time as the time of a Second Coming. Other preachers, including the writers of the bestselling "Last Days" books, have copied this concept.
But if you read Matthew 24:23, you can see that Jesus himself said that these things would NOT indicate that he was there, and that anyone who claimed otherwise would be one of the deceivers. His presence would be like the lightning: sudden, complete, unpredictable and unexpected, universal, ethereal and all-encompassing, undeniable, heavenly, obvious, and QUICK (not 120 years long, for instance). The idea of it coming in a period abnormally free of war is also indicated by Paul when in his words about Peace and Security (which has been badly abused by the WT). Just point that out - they won't have an argument against it. It's the actual Bible, which they have possibly never read without the WT holding their hand.
All of this undermines their "Presence" argument. If there is no parousia today, then... who appointed the WT as the faithful and discreet slave?
Erm... (church lady voice) SATAN?
So, Satan aside, I can then move forward. The essential crux of their argument, the claim to divine appointment, can be further undermined by examining them by the Bible's standards for teachers, shepherds, and prophets.
As teachers, they are woefully bad. Sure, they have a vaunted education program, but it has long since fossilized into an exercise in political programming. Very little actual Bible reading, but plenty of mindless pablum in the form of magazines (most of the articles these days revolve around "respect for authority" anyway). "Not many of you should become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a heavier judgement" That is because Christian teachers are charged with helping to nurture mature Christians capable of making decisions for themselves. What the WT creates is a horde of zombies. You can see the lack of mental engagment at every meeting, even when they are out preaching. All their answers do not come from the heart or mind, but from some sort of mental screen that lowers down and provides ready answers. (look at their stance on blood, for instance. When will the zombies put two and two together?)
As shepherds, we can see their fruitage in our own lives and in the lives of those we love. "After my going away, false shepherds will arise and mistreat the flock." Systemic child abuse, cruel and unusual disfellowshipping procedures, hypocritical involvement with the UN, questionable business deals, the constant nagging for more donations. Measure them with the yardstick that they measured you and I at our Judicial Committees! We fell short of that impossible measure, and they did not forgive us. They also do not measure up, but fortunately it is not our problem to forgive them. It is not us that they have sinned against the most.
As prophets, well, that is just laughable, really. Not one prediction, not even 1914, came true like they expected. "You must not listen to him or get frightened at him".
How's that?