Yeah, in my neighborhood the cops would arrive, confiscate the weed, and then depart with grins on their faces, leaving the perpetrator standing there with no weed and causing no paperwork.
ok my landlords daughter and her husband max live above us.
they are a really great family, very nice and cool.
anyway once in a while we have a good conversation with each other and a while ago i had told max about my family situation and a little counter-witnessing.
Yeah, in my neighborhood the cops would arrive, confiscate the weed, and then depart with grins on their faces, leaving the perpetrator standing there with no weed and causing no paperwork.
friday, february 11, 2005. .
decision to free felon haunts jurors.
by ruth teichroeb and jessica blanchard.
Actually castration is not 100% effective. It may curb desire, but does not make rape impossible. ANd since rape is often as much or more a crime of violence rather than desire, castration's effectiveness is limited.
That's what I have been given to understand as well - rape is about power; hence many rape crimes turn into crimes of mutilation, etc. (Note the current criminal's desire to overpower his stepsisters, mutilate and thereby "mark" his victims, etc.) If he can't rape them physically, he will still seek out victims and demean them in other manners.
As for his eternal prospects, that is between him and God. I DO know that God has charged governments with the duty to protect the innocents and preserve order. Hence any government that allows such a beast to walk free has some serious explaining to do when they are weighed in the balances...
i get all that stuff about downs and 10yards, and about kicking the ball through the goals and all.
but, having never played gridiron/american football, there is one thing i just dont get everytime i watch the bleedin' game.
i have played australian football(aussie rules) and rugby league.
Greatest Teams: San Francisco 49ers, New England Patriots, Pittsburgh Steelers
Ahhh, the seventies.... if only I had been alive to savor it.
Death to New England. Buncha pantywaists!
atrolling we will go atrolling we will go.. another subject of this post could be: the devaluation of christian conscience in jehovah's witnesses.. you ever notice that the wt will sometimes print things that some christians can do with a clean conscience.
things that in the past were a big no no but now are ok?
since there are a lot of things i could do with a clean conscience: birthdays; smoke; oral sex; bla bla bla, could i use this reasoning as a defense?
To those who have chosen to become teacher or shepherds, it must be a real trial to let Christian disciples stand on their own. But it is impossible to prevent it - the more rules you provide, the more they need! The truly great thing about Christianity, I think, is that the conscience really does become refined and mature. This allows for reasoned thought and discussion on the part of those not deemed to be great moral teachers or philosophers.
Hence, "Out of the mouths of babes" takes on real meaning, when we think that even those without a huge amount of worldly understanding can still clearly and concisely determine a valid answer to moral conflicts. This is particularly true of each individual case, whereby the teacher or the preacher is released from total responsibility regarding his pupil's choices in matters of conscience.
Where the Society started to go wrong was to try to draw a line around certain things as NOT being conscience matters. Which is ridiculous. EVERYTHING is a conscience matter, even those decisions that seem pretty much cut and dry to observers. Whether or not I rob a bank is still up to my conscience, regardless of what I have been taught or not. Even if I think it is wrong, it is still up to me and my conscience to decide NOT to do it.
As for you and your conscience, it really is up to you. Like Jesus said, "If I decide he should remain until I come, what is that to you? Keep following me." I can think of no clearer injunction against petty rulemaking. Certain provisos, like disfellowshipping, were created by Paul in order to help the new congregation conform to the Roman system as far as was possible. They really have no application in modern society.
friday, february 11, 2005. .
decision to free felon haunts jurors.
by ruth teichroeb and jessica blanchard.
Not the jury's fault. They did the best they could with the evidence at hand.
Of course, employing the death penalty would have prevented this...
this has probably been posted before but i can't seem to find it in the best of series or otherwise but i'm wondering if anyone has some good links to judicial committee transcripts online or otherwise?
i'm really looking for basic judicial committee meetings, the ones where the scriptual basis is in question is ok like jim rizoli's or anton from watchtower uk outreach but i'm really looking for just a run of the mill judiciary committee meeting (ie fornication, etc.
) any help is greatly appreciated.
I majored in journalism, I have a fair idea of what it legal and what isn't. I'll check again, but here is my understanding:
Libel is deliberately making false statements for a malicious purpose.
Which means proving libelous actions requires proving: that the statements are false, and that there is a malicious intent behind making them.
As far as information gathering goes: Most civil affairs are fair game, including something like a JC. If they could prove that you violated a confidentiality agreement, then that would probably be grounds for a civil action against you: but I don't recall any such agreement being proposed or signed during my JC's. I'm surprised that they don't make their victims sign such a thing. They are evil enough to do it, thereby squelching most chances at publicizing such information. [It would take a brave and committed exJW to stand up to the horde of dubland's legal barbarians.] But taping a civil or social event to which you are present is absolutely legal as long as you don't commit to NOT taping it.
If the issue at hand is a matter of national security, then gathering and reporting such information would represent a violation of federal law. But of course, JC's don't fall under that category.
*** grunt *** *** grunt *** *** grunt ***.
as some of you already know, satan pushed me down the stairs the other night and broke my ankle.
i'm proud to say that the bruises appear to have come to full maturity and are looking very manly.
Och, ye wee pansie, wrap it up tight and get back in the gaim, ye wee woman! Quit yer cryin and quit angling fer sympathy!
With deepest sympathy,
hello again gentle members, .
remember, i never said i was leaving for good in my "goodbye" post.
seems my life is getting a little more dubbish of late and i'd thought i'd pull a michael jordan "i'm back out of retirement...till next time" and fill you in.
Hallo, LR - glad to see you back on the court for one more championship... har har har... (I told you so, BTW)
However, the circumstances are other than we might have hoped. I trust you will feel better soon.
It is very difficult to try to be friends with ex-JW's. We didn't really have anything other than our religion in common to begin with.
As for Gilead, the intellectual study there might actually make them MORE open to Bible based arguments regarding 607 and even blood...
Be strong, big guy, keep the faith!
i heard a very sad news item this morning on the way to work.. in upstate new york, a rabbi has been ordered to stop performing bris, using his mouth to suction the blood after 3 boys tested postive for herpes after receiving a bris from the same rabbi.. 2 of the boys a very sick and one has died.
apparently herpes can be deadly on the new ammune system of babies.. does anyone know anthing about this religious ritual - why would a rabbi use his mouth to suction blood from the baby?
Sounds a bit odd, especially since the rabbi wouldn't have gotten oral herpes from any of the babies - which means he got it from somewhere else...
And the prohibitions against blood consumption are pretty straightforward... no, this was strange.
As for the Jews being rich and influential and hushing it up... no, it is just sloppy journalism, I'll bet. Somebody didn't follow up like they should.
now, it may be that the society is partly on the defensive in regard to using disfellowshipping to break up families.. they may be faced with future legal troubles and lawsuits in europe and other nations.
they might be faced with.
losing tax exemptions and legal recognition.. on the other hand, they may be trying to 'softpedal' the whole subject by the new announcement that "so and so.
Religion in America is still free to do as it pleases, pretty much. Regrettable results, but taking away the freedom will not solve the problem and will only create new ones. No, the only way to overcome disfellowshipping is to force change from within; by demanding that our former friends and family accept our new decision and not impose any unnecessary social penalties.
But many of us no longer wish to deal with the JW bull, and therefore have moved on.