i'm talking about the bible god jehovah need to be worshipped,,and his utter hatred towards other gods the people worshipped.
i mean after all he has his people put to death if the worship any one else.
he even admits he is a very jealeous god,,so what are your opinions?
... to try and attempt at getting through to an 70 year old elder?.
on rash impuls i wrote a letter to one elder.
a man who is most dear to me, even though my feelings towards the jw are negative at best.
Yes. You did the right thing.
here in quebec, walmart decided to close a walmart store because the 190 employees wanted to become unionized.
walmart said that they weren't making money at that store, and that's why they are closing.
we all know that the real reason why walmart wants to close is because the employees want to be unionized.. in this day and age, do you think that walmart is right, or the employees?.
There are about 30 Walmarts is Quebec. One more or one less won't change much.
Perhaps. But a Walmart closing is an earthshaking event. I remember working at another mega-chain, Starbucks, and when a couple of stores closed down on the other side of the COUNTRY it made the gossip rounds. Everyone was hushed, terrified, stunned.
Now what those displaced workers need to do is get some capital together and start up their own businesses to fill the void left by Walmart. Perhaps the government can fork over some startup dough...
Lucky Canadians, with your guaranteed health insurance; half the reason I support national health care is simply to reduce the burden on entrepreneurs!
here in quebec, walmart decided to close a walmart store because the 190 employees wanted to become unionized.
walmart said that they weren't making money at that store, and that's why they are closing.
we all know that the real reason why walmart wants to close is because the employees want to be unionized.. in this day and age, do you think that walmart is right, or the employees?.
I support unions.
That being said, if a union would destroy the profit, then the management has the right to close the store.
Nobody said forming a union was easy - it takes sweat, tears, and blood to make it happen.
As for Quebec law, well, they should investigate the books. But Walmart reducing its presence in your state might actually be a good thing. The local stores will benefit greatly, as will the local groceries, mom and pop photo shops, etc...
Trust me, you are better off without them.
i heard a very sad news item this morning on the way to work.. in upstate new york, a rabbi has been ordered to stop performing bris, using his mouth to suction the blood after 3 boys tested postive for herpes after receiving a bris from the same rabbi.. 2 of the boys a very sick and one has died.
apparently herpes can be deadly on the new ammune system of babies.. does anyone know anthing about this religious ritual - why would a rabbi use his mouth to suction blood from the baby?
Some people (DY) are using the emotions involved to justify both anti-Semitic and anti-religious feelings. Which are different topics altogether. You are just wrong, DY. CZAR
friday, february 11, 2005. .
decision to free felon haunts jurors.
by ruth teichroeb and jessica blanchard.
So its okay to castrate and lobotomize them... but not execute????
german zoo tempts gay penguins to go straight.
a german zoo has imported four female penguins from sweden in an effort to tempt its gay penguins to go straight.
the four swedish females were dispatched to the bremerhaven zoo in bremen after it was found that three of the zoo?s five penguin pairs were homosexual.
So two leprechauns knock on the door of the convent in County Kerry and ask to speak to the Mother Superior.
They ask her, "Is there a leprechaun nun in this convent?"
The Mother Superior says, "No, my children, there is no leprechaun nun in this convent."
One of the leprechauns looks triumphant, the other hastily adds, "Is there, perchance, Mother Superior, a leprechaun nun somewhere in this fair County Kerry?"
The Mother Superior says, "No, son, there be no leprechaun nuns in fair County Kerry."
The first leprechaun starts to giggle madly, stamping his feet. The second leprechaun, with a look of panic on his face says, "Oh, Mother Superior, tell me true, is there a leprechaun nun anywhere in Erin?"
The Mother Superior shakes her head and says, "Nay, son, there are no leprechaun nuns anywhere in Ireland!"
The first leprechaun slaps the second on the back and shouts, "See, lad, I told ye you were fookin a penguin!"
every year since 1991 i have been making my own "mix-tape" (since 1998, my own "mix-tape" cd) of my favorite songs of the year.
i have just completed my cd for 2004. one of the real pleasures of doing this is finding the right track order to make the styles of the songs flow smoothly from one to another, while keeping some semblance of the chronological progression of the year.
i thought it might be interesting to post my list and see if anyone else has their own similar list for the past year:.
The mob goes wild! by Clutch
was wondering if anyone else knew 9/11 was going to happen before it did?
my mother, when leaving the org.
back in the early 90's began researching the bible (not the nwt because it was too flawed), she used the kjv and the niv, she also used strongs and a bible that had both greek and hebrew in it right along side the english.
Oh, well. Sometimes there's nothing you can say.
Now now, Derek, tsk tsk...
i heard a very sad news item this morning on the way to work.. in upstate new york, a rabbi has been ordered to stop performing bris, using his mouth to suction the blood after 3 boys tested postive for herpes after receiving a bris from the same rabbi.. 2 of the boys a very sick and one has died.
apparently herpes can be deadly on the new ammune system of babies.. does anyone know anthing about this religious ritual - why would a rabbi use his mouth to suction blood from the baby?
DY - I appreciate your vigorous defense of the innocent children, and your natural and valid abhorrence for anything even remotely approaching pedophilia.
But you simply cannot allow your emotions to shove you into anti-Semitic rants. There are Jewish posters, Jewish lurkers, and plenty of Jewish people in the world who have NOTHING to do with this one sect of one branch of one monotheistic religion. The seeming lack of "coverage" has less to do with Jewish influence and power and more to do with the sloppy state of journalism in this country. You simply cannot go around accusing a massive Jewish conspiracy with seeking to hide systemic pedophilia; at least not without evidence.
Your comments can be excused on grounds of emotional involvement, but I must call for an apology.