JWD is my homepage...
Talk about timewasting!
geez talk about trading one addiction for another..... i get on jwd reading, posting, chatting, and i just can't seem to get myself to log off the internet!
sometimes it's cuz i don't want to go do what i have to, or sometimes even want to, go do.
sometimes i'm just feeling anxious and needy.
JWD is my homepage...
Talk about timewasting!
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
Boris Karloff in his declined years
AlanF - I concur! Awesomely bad movie... but I think it was Bela Lugosi, not Boris Karloff.
this was orginally written in a discussion of islamism and the wot.
a different general topic, but this particular excerpt is quite germane in this site.
this is an excerpt from an original article posted at.
Money patently IS a collective fantasy. Just a thought.
a total of 141 countries have signed up to the treaty, promising to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
however, even if we can get america to sign up, it may be impossible to stop co2 emissions increasing as the world population increases.
what are the ultimate possible eventualities?
I'm still not convinced about the whole thing.
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
I actually enjoyed End of Days, if only to see a movie where Arnie actually dies...
Yeah, I was excited about that fireman movie where John Travolta died, for pretty much the same reason.
lake central: officials charge kevin foster with rape of 11-year-old girl; indians hire melby as coach.
by jeff carroll.
Just one victim? Has anybody else come forward with similar accusations?
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
The Exorcist 2: wow. Richard Burton AND James Earl Jones both making a potentially career killing decision. It's like watching two high performance automobiles in a bumper car rink.
End of Days. Who knew that the Devil was such a bitch?
But I want to say that Troy was better than it had any right to be. I enjoyed it.
The Bourne Supremacy; let's take the Gladiator school of action filming and apply it to twenty minutes of chase scenes: We don't know who is running, who is chasing, why or where they are going... in the end, we just want somebody to die so it'll be over.
Terror Tract: John Ritter in a horror anthology film. It goes through bad and into a strange kind of wormhole where bad become good again.
Anaconda: Ice Cube makes it awesome. The defiance of basic physics makes this film roll snakeyes.
Rushmore and/or The Royal Tenenbaums: Overrrated. Stupid. Boring. It was like a filmmaker sat down and said, "I hate my audience. How can I punish them?" and then got an Oscar for "Best Audience Punishment" so he did it again, only longer. Seriously, it was like the theater was swallowing me whole and crushing my chest, so I sat paralyzed, unable to squeak in protest. Popcorn buckets should have an emergency cyanide capsule for movies like these.
Jason X and Freddy Vs. Jason: So, he's pretty much indestructible. Okay. Great. If he's indestructible, what is he so pissed about?
at the circuit assembly, there is always a part on the program where the co gives specific counsel needed in the circuit.
often this was rather droll, but at times some interesting 'foolishness' became obvious.
one i remember was a co that spent about 5 minutes deriding one elder (whom he did not name of course) for spending a saturday arranging the icons on his computer [this must have been 10 years ago when windows 3.1 was still the rage].
And when they DO back up their regulations, it is with the same three or four scriptures, cherry picked out of context and quoted until authorship and original intent are lost!
at the circuit assembly, there is always a part on the program where the co gives specific counsel needed in the circuit.
often this was rather droll, but at times some interesting 'foolishness' became obvious.
one i remember was a co that spent about 5 minutes deriding one elder (whom he did not name of course) for spending a saturday arranging the icons on his computer [this must have been 10 years ago when windows 3.1 was still the rage].
There was one old dude that always wanted us to sing really loudly and was never pleased with our efforts... he had a point about our listless singing, I suppose, but I blame the lack of joy and the terrible song selection - it was like they were TRYING to bore us musically.
The first church service I ever attended had a choir singing Amazing Grace. I didn't even conjecture that church music could be that happy and well-sung... wow...
ONe guy blasted Beavis and Butthead when they first came out.
lmfho .
lets first start off with the islam.. supposedly, the great prophet mohammed married a 7 year ol girl, but agreed not to consumate the marriage until she was 9.. (must we conclude that the founder of the islam was a pedophile?
now christendom.. mary conceived a child while virgin.
Islam allows you up to 4 wives - I struggle to keep 1 happy never mind 4!!
But Muhammad DID say that while a man could have four wives, he could only be fair to one. Or so my Muslim friend told me.