I just wanted to let everybody know that I read this thread...
...and promptly called my mother to tell her I love her...
our niece, irene, who posts here as inky, sent me an email.
her 27 year old son is getting married in two weeks, and she posted a few days ago about how he didn't invite her to his wedding.. she told me i can post it as she doesn't want to read it again.. "dear mom.
i've needed to write this letter to you for some time now.
I just wanted to let everybody know that I read this thread...
...and promptly called my mother to tell her I love her...
And to think I used to be the kind of person that would get excited if I got to see the program ahead of time, although I'd feel guilty about sneaking a peek...
Sheesh, I want to go to a better assembly! District Overbeer, you must put together a convention program worthy of a District Apostafest! How about a symposium on female swimwear v. skinny dipping, with a bonus round of Vaseline wrestling?
well i saw a show on tv tonight and the survey they did stated that the second largest religious group in canada was people with no religion, yes 16.2%, 5million canadians have no religion!
and what i always wondered was also confirmed that the majority of these people are under 35 which does not surprise me at all, i mean i only know one family who attend church as i am in this age frame at 34. .
so you guessed it the churches are hurting fer sure eh!
The danger with raising kids without ANY spiritual life is that they do not wrestle with the basic questions of good v. evil, the nature of God (if any), and then come up with their own beliefs that they can cling to. This leaves them open to the predations of fundamentalism should economic conditions turn sour, or even in the event of a personal crisis.
Kids need SOME spiritual, or philosophical growth process in order to become fully independent adults.
in 1989, we as jw's distributed and studdied many articles in the watchtower.
i remember one study article in particular that indicated that the preaching work would end by the end of the 20th century.
when the year 2000 came around, i searched bound volumes and the watchtower cd, but couldn't find the statement.
Good grief!
First of all, I'm surprised that they are bothering to edit it - considering the massive body of work that they produced about the 1914, this one phrase seems like small potatoes to go through and rewrite...
Secondly, I'm not surprised that they choose to edit - remember that phrase "Millions now living will never die" ??? Now they claim it was "Millions Now Living MAY never die!" I say its millions now living haven't read Animal Farm, but whatever. Sick sick organization...
sorry for the attn.
getting post, but i am so pissed off tonight that i can't see straight.
all these f*cks need to be shot.
I believe in God, but when I hear shtuff like this, I know that He isn't here, at least not yet. The best we can do istake care of each other, like you're doing...
I was a cutter once, don't know why, maybe just the "fruitage of the spirit" of dubdom... and it is hell trying not to do it anymore. Got thin white lines all down my forearm as a mark of my martyrdom... ha!
Anyway, you are doing good work, and the dubs have completely missed the point of all the scriptures, just like the Pharisees in Jesus day.
Keep the faith...
ecclesiastes 3:8
: there is a time for peace and a time for war.
there are some arguments as to weather a christian would fight in military service, or would remain peaceful to all men, up until death.
Christianity is not a religion, it is a point of view, a perspective that includes the sentiment of avoiding conflict wherever possible, but it is allowable in times of self-defense.
I think every christian should weigh each conflict and be prepared to not join in if their conscience dictates. But also to be prepared to fight and kill if their conscience so dictates.
Life isn't worth that much in the long run - only principle matter.
well, i finally got a response to my letter, and it only took them almost three months!
models of efficiency, they are.
actually, big tex and i think they had to run this through the legal department.
They're evil. Death to them...
an african tale attributed to the ghanaian writer james e k aggrey.
once upon a time, while walking through the forest, a certain man found a young eagle.
he took it home and put it in his barnyard where it soon learned to eat chicken feed and to behave as chickens behave.. one day, a naturalist who was passing by inquired of the owner why it was that an eagle, the king of all birds, should be confined to live in the barnyard with the chickens.. "since i have given it chicken feed and trained it to be a chicken, it has never learned to fly," replied the owner.
Hm. Food for thought.
Have we as apostates stretched our wings and left the barnyard of the chicken WT?
the po of my congregation was screwing another elders wife- i have more, but i wanna hear yours!
The worst sin?
Pride. The arrogant, unbelievably condescending worldview that is inherent in any us/them theology. and every damned one of the Witnesses and Fundies is enmeshed in pride!
Fornication will get you df'ed - like a magic key to the real world... but pride will get you damned and thrown out of heaven. Fornication is simply not a sin, it is an unfortunate mistake or simply an animal act - but pride is an unholy thing that God works actively against.
i was wondering how long it took for all of you to leave the org.
how active were you and for how long while knowing the "truth" was not the truth.
i ran into an old friend last week.
Raised in the borg for 22 years.
Had no doubts or sonfusion. It was the TRUTH!
Then those girls came to my room and got naked and lo and behold, I found I did notte beleev like I once had. And lo! It was good...