Just a guy who was out to make a buck and then it blew up. Like Nobel, who invented dynamite and spent the rest of his life apologizing for it.
no, i'm not serious, just wanted to see if anyone would take the bait.. and yes, i'm bored.
gosh, gotta wonder what his first name is since he apparently feels it's so bad he has to use an initial.
Just a guy who was out to make a buck and then it blew up. Like Nobel, who invented dynamite and spent the rest of his life apologizing for it.
mine is......(and this from a woman who will probably not notice the big a when it happens) .
i can find four leaf clovers anywhere, anytime...i never even really look.
just walking down the street, i'll look at the lawn and see one.
I get these bursts of poetic ability - when I can write Elizabethan sonnets... then it fades again.
#22 is the real kicker.
i always assumed that the u.s. was the most generous, by far.
us rogue state?
Nope. We just avoid entangling foreign alliances and don't trust Europeans to tell us what to do.
two young jw girls form the indian river congergation came knocking at my door yesterday.
at first i thought that they were mormons.
they said that they were dubbers.
When I was a kid I met up with a guy in service who had some "apostate literature" and he wanted to "read yours if you'll read mine". I got creeped out and ran away, stuttering something about how JW's don't read any books but their own.
What might be a good tactic is to give them a question to ask their elders, like, what happened in 1975?
If they are cute girls, a good tactic might be to invite them in, have them kick their shoes off, serve a little (just a little) good wine from Ozzie's wine of the month list, put on some music, ask if they know how to dance, offer to teach them, drift ever so slowly towards the bedroom - sweep them off their feet! Ahh, saving souls, one booty call at a time...
tonight my husband and i watched the fireworks for the 4th of july.
i've never done this before, save for occasionally peering out of my window as a child hoping to see a few.
tonight was wonderful - beautiful, fun, and there were tons of people there who were behaving themselves at least as well as people behave at assembly.
American patriotism is founded on a mistrust and distaste for government.
The American people SHOULD be rebellious and argue with their leaders and protest and shout and refuse to be drafted and evade taxes they didn't vote for. That's what we are, that's what our soldiers fight for. We are a society of equals (or should be), not of serfs.
I'm most certainly a patriotic fellow, even dipping into nationalism, but sometimes I pull up short when something annoys me and then I shout like a hippie!
I think that Comedy Central should bring back That's My Bush - just to let the President know that we refuse to take him too seriously.
I like Bush's foreign policy, and if Gore was president he probably couldn't do anything right in my eyes, but I'm fair enough to admit that.
i feel the need to express how i feel and felt about my life as a gay man.
i was brought up from birth as a jehovahs witness.
this has played a major part in my life and it has been a real struggle to get past.
AlanF said:
But we are better, Teejay. If we weren't, we'd still be in the cult. We had enough inner spunk -- once buried, but now expressed -- to get out. There are Dubs, perhaps like Northern Girl, with enough spunk to still get out.
I think the elders had a problem with my abundance of spunk. It was when my spunk was revealed that I got into trouble with the JC. Every day I give God thanks for those two girls that helped me find my spunk. They were invaluable in helping me express my spunky nature. Just call me Spunky Brewster, for indeed I have brewed much spunk...
As for being gay, (to drag this thread back around to its topic!) Josh, if you're looking for someone like NG to accept you, stop! You're just wasting your time, "throwing good money after bad" as they say. Commend these people to God's care and instruction, and in time they will be taught by the hand of God to love - or they will be broken.
CZAR (Spunkmaster 6000 class)
yes, i am going through a crisis...well, for a long while now, i have been reading forecasts for my sun sign (virgo) and my rising sign (pisces, 26 degrees).
i thought they were quite relevant to what i was going through, especially the pisces one...only to find out yesterday that during all that time, i should have read the aries forecast as my ascendant is at 26 degrees.
needless to say, i do feel very silly about the whole thing.
The writer Douglas Adams said that astrology was like dropping a handful of graphite dust onto a piece of paper to discern its wrinkles and shape, and whether anything was written on the piece before it.
The random rules and presumptions of astrology can actually be insightful into a person's personality - not because of any literal connection to the stars, but because the way the person reacts to those rules tells you a lot about them. Also, you learn an awful lot about the astrologer. If he is obsessed with golden showers, then guess what will keep popping up into your horoscope?
Fortune telling is a head game that has been played with success for thousands of years. Just to dismiss it because it has no real connection to the rules it claims to play by is childish, like abandoning the idea of money because you found out it is just paper.
in christendom there is a phenomenon where people will pray a prayer where the word "just" turns up an extraordinary number of times.
"father, we just pray that you would just be among us, and just bless us, as we just humbly seek your will", etc.
does this occur in kingdom halls?
I think the word "just" used in that sense implies a dependence on God's mercy and willingness to help us. "Just" do this, it isn't too much, I don't want to ask too much.
As for justice? ha! You're lucky if you get a dose of spiritual morphine. Justice is not what we need or want. We need mercy. Euthanasia, but God isn't that nice.
i feel the need to express how i feel and felt about my life as a gay man.
i was brought up from birth as a jehovahs witness.
this has played a major part in my life and it has been a real struggle to get past.
Boy Northern girl, you need to realize several things:
1) The Bible is not a magic book. If you research its compilation and writing, you'll find that you have been lied to most of your life about its nature.
2) The GB is a bunch of guys who are trying to read too much into a "magic book".
3) Most of us don't blame the WTS for our problems. We blame them for lying to us, trying to control us, for abusing us and then trying to evade responsibility. We blame them for claiming to have all the answers and when those answers didn't work, they blamed us.
4) Gay people are ok. They have sex with each other, fall in love, have problems, and die alone, just like each one of us.
5) Sex is not a sin. The reason for the Biblical proscriptions about it are rooted in patriarchal society, in religious fanaticism, and in nationalism.
6) sex is fun. and mostly harmless. Come on over and I'll show ya...
man gets life in prison for spitting
wednesday, july 2, 2003 posted: 3:16 pm edt (1916 gmt).
story tools
I say we have everybody in prison spit on him and then let him go...