I am sitting in a coffee shop with an independent video rental store in the back. I'll go rent it right away, watch it this afternoon, and let you know.
I am sitting in a coffee shop with an independent video rental store in the back. I'll go rent it right away, watch it this afternoon, and let you know.
what was the title of the last one,and,what will be the title of the next one?.
or,have they run out of special tract campaign ideas?.
I don't know if they could summon up the enthusiasm for another one.
I mean, what is the point?
you lurkers.
the ones who read this board just to observe everything that's going on.
never say a word, except on very rare occasions.
That sucks when IS gets a bug up its butt about that stuff.
Well, I noticed that NOBODY mentioned little ol' CZAR as being the one they were attracted to. Is it the pins in my head? Or my bluish appearance that evokes long-buried smurf-phobias???
It's a good thing I'm drunk at 12:30 or I'd be hurt by this...
adam lived 930 years methusaleh 969, noah 600 or so, but the psalms say a man's age will be 70 or 80. the explanation for shorter live span today is more imperfection, but why would man live so long for the first 2500 years and then drop to 70 or 80 in david's time and then stabilize at that age for the next 3500 years?
Because the Bible is crap. Moses made most of that stuff up. god know why.
of late i have been rattling on about my new boy toy- .
it was a wonderful summer romance that began with the kick off of memorial day fireworks, peaked on the fourth of july--and fizzled out before labor day.
Cheating is fun. Stolen grapes are sweet. Nobody misses a slice off a cut loaf.
You are just buying into the Judeo-Christian monogamy "one-flesh" myth.
Just hit that schiznit whenever you can git it!
First, I'm a right winger.
I'd like to eat your ass anytime you say, Robdar, darling...
Second, I say that this law sucks and should be taken out before it hurts someone. The D.A. is probably doing the right thing by having it exposed in this time of relative national calm, before another burst of hysteria gets it prosecuted in circumstances that lead to a conviction.
Third, Oklahoma is the most Right-wing state in the union. They don't even have emissions tests, or inspections for their cars.
thanks to little toe's piquing my interest on this subject, i hafta ask it...... .
has anyone here had any personal spiritual experiences and is anyone here brave enough to describe/relate any personal spiritual experiences they've had, whether pre-borg, during being borganized or post-borg?
to be more specific, have you ever seen any angels or spirit creatures, been made aware of their presence in any way, interacted with or communicated with them, or had dream/visions...etc?
Not sure what your point is, blueblades.
Who can say why God does what he does. All I'm saying is, even the Bible says, "God is not far off from each one of us, if we but look for him."
So, if you're looking for God, he'll find you. In whatever form He chooses, presumably one that will aid you in your quest to be a better person.
this headline might put a damper on the jw notion that crime is increasing.
It's my fault. I got tired. I couldn't keep stealing stuff.
I mean, how many CD players does one guy need?
hiya everyone!!!
as we told you in our short intro, we decided that we had enough proof?
Beware gram and gramps - they're going to try to be "Eunice" and teach your young "Timothy" all about the wonderful world of dubdom and how they should feel guilty for everything you are doing, like birthdays and Christmas.
I'd say kill the grandparents now, but then, I'm a Republican.
c'mon all you hockey fans...who do you think is gonna win it this year?
my prediction, as always, is the red wings.
we got the dominator back between the pipes and we lost sergei to the ducks...bah!
Pittsburgh Penguins all the way.
Mario! Here we go!