Iran and Syria - next!
Or maybe N. Korea.
Depends on our mood, really.
We scared the crap out of the world by crushing Iraq as quickly, precisely, and bloodlessly as we did. the giant has awakened.
sharon: iran next on war list
friday, nov. 8, 2002
israeli prime minister ariel sharon says the u.s. war on terror shouldn't end with iraq.
Iran and Syria - next!
Or maybe N. Korea.
Depends on our mood, really.
We scared the crap out of the world by crushing Iraq as quickly, precisely, and bloodlessly as we did. the giant has awakened.
so, how american are you?.
questions 10145-80095
65... yee-haw...
sometimes, when i read what a poster says, especially a new poster, i don't always assume that they are legitimate.
do you ever feel this way?
does it cross your mind that a person is falsely representing himself/herself ??
Only if it's Farkel.
i see a lot of hopelessness and cynicism now.
are you actually happier now than when you were a jehovah's witness?
Yep. I just got married!
as we all have read for quite some time, many here have very strong political ideas.
some listen to both sides, others simply tell the others that they are flat wrong and are idiots.
we are not going to go there on this thread.. what i would like to know however, is how many of you would put action where their mouth is.. here is the scenario.
I'd do it.
States' rights.
it tolls for me!.
yep, mrs. czar and i made it official this weekend.
in a small civil ceremony, definitely not at the kingdom hall!!
It tolls for me!
Yep, Mrs. Czar and I made it official this weekend. In a small civil ceremony, definitely NOT at the Kingdom Hall!!!, ELB married the awestruck JTT and took his name. Yea, and he clove unto her, forsaking all others.
Praise be!
The weekend passed in an alcoholic haze - never before have I known two people spent more on the liqour (57.50) than on the ceremony (32.50)!!!
Congratulations can be posted below. small donations can be made to JWD in my name, if you really WANT to...
one of the current topics discussed by the watchtower society concludes that it is satan who really rules the world. of course, a number of scriptures are offered as proof.
however, a number of other scriptures are completely overlooked.
That's the most terrifying aspect of our infinite, chaotic universe - NOBODY is in control! The ship has noone at the helm!
We're all going to DIE! (But you knew that...)
i think one major point that proves that the jw's are a cult is that you can't leave without being stigmatized.
all you have to do for other religions is take your name of the membership log or just resign.
for jw's you can't leave unless you're df'd or da'd.
Gary Buss - what a lousy party THAT was!
i took this off of xjw_b12's thread.
(hope you don't mind).
"when considering whether to include a pinata at a social gathering, christians should be sensitive to the consciences of others.
I refuse to "soften my stance" on oral sex!
astounding news from the theocratic warfare front!.
czarofmischief news and pr services was astounded to learn, in a press conference with the supreme high majesty jehovaq, that his eternal majesty has decided to found his own crime syndicate in the predominately italian ethnic region of bloomfield, pittsburgh, pa.. jehovaq, still bearing the scars from his recent confrontation with new watchtower deity, snoop doggy dawg, said, "i've been around for 20 billion years, and i made the whole universe, but now it's time to work on my street cred.
i'm publicly entitled to all the glory, power and honor, and i'd like a larger slice of the numbers rackets in the area.".
Astounding news from the Theocratic Warfare Front!
Czarofmischief News and PR Services was astounded to learn, in a press conference with the Supreme High Majesty Jehovaq, that His Eternal Majesty has decided to found his own crime syndicate in the predominately Italian ethnic region of Bloomfield, Pittsburgh, PA.
Jehovaq, still bearing the scars from his recent confrontation with new Watchtower Deity, Snoop Doggy Dawg, said, "I've been around for 20 billion years, and I made the whole universe, but now it's time to work on my street cred. I'm publicly entitled to all the glory, power and honor, and I'd like a larger slice of the numbers rackets in the area."
When asked how this new stance on organized crime would mesh with his former commands against usury and violence, Jehovaq said, 'Naturally, I won't be using violence. Guido is in charge of that."
Guido, a large man in a suit, made no response or acknowledgement of this statement.