Czar is channeling Bible Jesus...
Who knew that Holy Spirit came in the form of a bottle of Beefeater Gin?
But I meant what I said - if the Bible is true, even in one verse in a hundred, then Witness Defender is screwing himself!
i'm just new to this internet stuff and am studying with the jehovah's witnesses at present.please don't take my lack of knowledge as cheek.
i just want to know if it's meant to be only jehovah's witnesses using this site.
i fully intend to become baptised but was wondering if there's any security to prevent people who shouldn't be using the site and are maybe abusing it from doing so.
Czar is channeling Bible Jesus...
Who knew that Holy Spirit came in the form of a bottle of Beefeater Gin?
But I meant what I said - if the Bible is true, even in one verse in a hundred, then Witness Defender is screwing himself!
during class the teacher asks "who all plan to go to college?
" and you shrink down in your seat in an effort to become invisible as everyone in the class raises their hand.
-doodle-v. your turn!
Your idea of a perfect mate revolves around floral print skirts.
You've never said the Pledge of Allegiance.
You will argue passionately about the logical flaws in certain evolutionary theories, but accept the idea that your car's malfunctions are due to demonic interference.
i'm just new to this internet stuff and am studying with the jehovah's witnesses at present.please don't take my lack of knowledge as cheek.
i just want to know if it's meant to be only jehovah's witnesses using this site.
i fully intend to become baptised but was wondering if there's any security to prevent people who shouldn't be using the site and are maybe abusing it from doing so.
Witness Defender - what on earth are you doing? By defending what you KNOW is untrue, you are seeking to stumble one who is earnestly seeking God! It would be better for you to tie a millstone to your neck and jump into the sea than to continue on your course!
Are you mad? You KNOW that this is what the Watchtower has taught for 20 years now! You should KNOW that Frederick W. Franz, enamored of his "two classes" dogma, first espoused this doctrine as a corollary to it. This doctrine was taught for years, this is backed up by evidence from the Watchtower itself, as Leolaia has shown. It was a major stumbling block to many in positions of oversight, including missionaries and others capable of learning what the Bible was actually teaching.
Try to defend the doctrine if you will, but by no means try to deny its existence. Your share will be in Gehenna, outside with the dogs, and the liars, and the cowards.
Stop seeking to seduce the unwary with your lies! The Watchtower emphasizes the subservient position of the "great crowd" to the point of denying them Christ as a Mediator; thereby squeezing themselves into a higher position. Much like the Israelite who carved himself a royal tomb, only to lose his esteemed position in the end.
It would be better for you if you could be struck blind for a time, even as Paul struck his opposer in the court of Sergius Paulus, in order to teach him humility and to stop seeking evil! But alas, no miracles today, so you must wander in your mad folly like Baalam! I pray for an angel to stop you, ass!
being the weaker sex, she collpased.
(under stress?
I might vote for her in '08.
I have a strong mischievous streak. I'd like to see Mr. Rove's face that Wednesday morning...
(Playing merry hell with the world is my Immortal Pastime.)
Plus, she'd definitely have no qualms about going to war, killing our enemies, etc. Just look at poor Vince Foster!
i apologise for upsetting most of you by logging onto this site.
i stumbled onto it by accident and stupidly never noticed that it said discussion forum, everyone welcome.
i just thought it was a site where witnesses discussed subjects, and did not expect such a negative response to my naivety.
No need to be sorry, Yvonne. You have your own path to walk, and if no questions ever arise, then great! But if they do start (as they did for so many of us) then take a peek back at this forum. I guarantee someone else on this forum has asked the same question - and had it answered.
Let this forum be your "safety net" the place you can go in case you ever feel alone... like so many of us felt at certain points in our dealings with Jehovah's Witnesses. This has been a place of great healing for us.
And certainly, those who wish to defend Jehovah's Witness doctrine are always welcome here, and while the reaction is often vociferous, I am happy to say that it is meant in a spirit of free thought and exchange of viewpoint. This spirit only seems hostile to those who are accustomed to not being questioned.
Good luck, miss, and remember, there is always another way...
god is sitting in heaven when a scientist says to him,.
"god, we don't need you anymore.
science has finally.
Stunning rebuttal, Irongland. We stand rebuked by the fire of your faith.
please read my reply at the end of just for jehovah's witnesses and please don't take offense as i haven't with your opinions.
thank you .
I don't know your story, Yvonne, but you may wish to seriously consider what you can learn here - many of us wish we'd known this information years ago.
But if you must experience it for yourself, have a good time. We'll be here. I can't seem to leave...
for some exiting jw's, they are "true believers" as far as some of the key doctrines of the wtbts are concerned, but they feel trapped in an organization that seems far removed from its original principles.. do you think the bible students are a relatively healthy alternative to the wts machine?.
Whatever breaks the hold of the WT is a good thing.
Of course, if reading the Bible doesn't make you leave... then will an indepth study of the Great Pyramid?
being the weaker sex, she collpased.
(under stress?
Animals? Uday and Qusay hardly qualified as defenseless...
I'm more interested in the Constitutional debate over whether a First Lady could be elected President...
facts to consider
internet advertising seem to be getting stronger again.
presen economic situation for newspaper is not bright, they include the new york times, boston globe international, herald tribune gannett co., (100 newspapers including usa today), ew scripps (21 newspapers) dow jones & co./the wall street journal.
Local papers will still be the best source of local information.
Most newspaper revenues come from ad sales anyway, not the price - that mostly goes straight to the distributor.
They will probably hover where they are for a long time.