I think an inch is 2.5 cm, rather than 3.5... I think...
A schlong is also called a tallywhacker, FBF...
it's seems that people can grow about until they are 25 (unless a sickness still make them grow).
i've stop growing at 12, i'm the same size since then 5'5'.
also they told me that anyway having a baby at 14 would had stop me growing anyway that i should have been taller !
I think an inch is 2.5 cm, rather than 3.5... I think...
A schlong is also called a tallywhacker, FBF...
bush: holding three jobs 'uniquely american'.
tues feb 8 2005 9:27:01 et.
You mean to tell me that 70 years after FDR implemented the most ambitious series of progams that saved American Capitalism from an endless depression and likely revolution, Republicans...The same ones that said they appealed to the "Roosevelt Democrats"...are going to piss on his grave?
FDR intended to replace the New Deal Ponzi scheme with individual accounts. He meant for them to be included from the beginning, but was shut out by leftist Democrats who wanted a populace reduced to serfdom on their Communist Estates of America.
He was a smart guy, a really really smart guy, who KNEW that the scheme would not last forever as it was designed (which was an emergency provision for the Depression). He intended for this replacement to have happened a long time ago; he just died before he could get around to it. WW2 didn't help either.
The longer we wait to do it, the more it is going to hurt. Real Roosevelt Democrats would understand that and face the challenge head on, instead of hiding from it and hoping it goes away.
bush: holding three jobs 'uniquely american'.
tues feb 8 2005 9:27:01 et.
Tariffs on imported goods would help - but the Euroweenies cried when we did it to foreign steel.
ever given any thought to your own funeral?
do you plan to have a memorial service, in a kh?
or in a church?
I would like to have nanytes implanted throughout my corpse so that it appears animated. I will dance. The electric boogaloo never sounded so good! My crypt will be a dance hall, and I will boogey away eternity...
Toward the end, it was so boring it was almost interesting - the physical agony of sitting there was its own form of vaguely depraved entertainment "Let's see how much it hurts in five minutes!" I imagine torture victims must eventually adapt in the same manner.
Gods, what a horrible life that was. No spiritual help or interesting topics, just the same old tired prophecies, a ton of "Obey the WT or die" articles, and ritualized answers. At least the Catholics have streamlined the ritual so you can get out of there in forty five minutes!
hello it's been a long time since i was here just needed some input please from all loving parents...would you rather your daughter be:
1. married to a guy who's not really that great (history of having lotsa women, irresponsible) but seems to love/like your daughter.
2. be gay (with woman who is quite good, responsible and everything but - a woman...).
One of my better friends in the whole life, the one who knew me as a dub and supported me the whole time: she picked ME to come out to.
That's right, the redneck W-loving chainsmoking beer drinking yokel who would have a pickup and a Confederate flag if he could afford it... she picked me to go first.
And that's when I had my own little crisis of conscience. My reasoning went like this.
1. Nobody's perfect - when I figured out that she was serious.
2. Sins of the flesh are at the bottom end of God's list of priorities.
3. This is my friend, who has stood by me loyally for the past five years and will still be there for the next thousand if I needed her.
4. My friend is hurting and needs me to help her and just be there for her.
So, I gave her a big hug and told her that whatever would make her happy, as long as she was smart and safe about it, would make me happy. Privately, I don't think this choice will make her happy, mostly because she tends to throw her heart around like it doesn't matter, but if it does, great! I've been wrong before. If it doesn't, well, I've done stupider things in the name of love.
So, whatever happens, at least I learned to be a better person. I didn't "pass by on the other side" like the Levite or the priest.
And I did and do worry about the suicide thing. It is very much a concern for me. I do not want to be found wanting as a friend, just because of somebody's sexual choices.
Edited to add: Not a parent quite yet, just expecting in a few months.
i'll post more as i get it but according to the 'mail on sunday' this serial killing monster has "become one of jehovah's witnesses".. sick.. .
see http://www.execulink.com/~kbrannen/
If becoming a dub was compulsory, it would be what we in the states term, "Cruel and unusual punishment."
i was stunned by this dismal piece that i read in forbes magazine recently.
coming from the uk it is astonishing to me that an affluent nation as is the us, cannot provide better protection for the health and welfare of its citizens.
i was especially astonished by the fact that insurance companies withdraw their coverage while a person is sick and in need of help.
Addendum: Depending on what state you live in, there are greater or lesser degrees of socialized medicine. My state, Pennsylvania, is pretty good along those lines. Others, like vermont, are better.
The thing about crises is that they come to a head sooner or later. Maybe this is the groundwork for Hillary in '08 - if she's smart.
do you feel the gb is morally bankrupt?
to lie to those that put great trust in them is a sign of moral bankruptcy.
I think that somebody is starting to squirrel away some of the funds for when it all goes pear shaped.
I mean, if they don't believe, yet are willing to continue to exploit people, then they MUST have an ulterior motive like financial gain. Some of the GB are young enough to live the good life on the backs of the believers for some time before the Grim Reaper drags them to Judgement. Jaracz, the prime mover, is pretty youngish. This could account for all the real estate wheelings and dealings, as well as the UN scandal - trying to make friends with the world since they no longer believe in the Kingdom.
What a horrible life...
What I have charitably thought is that perhaps they are preparing for a gradual reform to avoid shocking too many people. But I can no longer believe that; they just aren't reforming ANYTHING. So they are just buying time, probably for personal motives involving money, or sex, or any of the other tired, tawdry reasons people do anything in this world...
just for a moment try not to be a bitter, twisted, hate spewing apostate and read this....... .
by erin concors, tribune .
jerry and crystal baxter still look back on their first major argument as newlyweds and laugh.
Good for them.
The organization really has changed a lot since the old days, I think. It does work for some people.
Of course, we don't know how they really feel about things, either...