After years of being with JWS you start to see a certain developmental characterization of most JWS, particularly from elders who have the most power in each congregation.
The ideology follows along the route of holding up a white sheet over the entire organization, as well each identified individual member (Brothers and Sisters) which no doubt most JWS will inevitably exploit toward themselves.
I personally recognized what hypocrisy was at young age from seeing and being around JWS at the Kingdom Halls and what they were like away from the Halls.
There is forced pretentiousness at play which comes out by JWS.
Having being reminded repetitively that god almighty sent his only begotten son to redeem their sins probably had some relevant connection.
There was no question to the fact that JWS are associated with delusions, anxiety, fear, ignorance, subsided with prejudice against others who are not recognized as being active JWS .
We are the most righteous chosen ones as it were and that self recognizance goes deep into the JWS's consciousness in their daily living.