The WTS has millions stacked away but the gullible, naive JWS adherents are quite ignorant of that fact.
JoinedPosts by Mr.Finkelstein
World Wide Work Resolution Doubled Overnight
by JW_Rogue induring covid-19 crisis our hall decides to double the amount sent to hq from our local account.
the resolution is unanimously supported, no questions asked.
has anyone else had this happen?.
The women that abandon “The Good News” are a large army
by Aimee.Padilla into be born a woman is a great disadvantage in many parts of the world and much more if she is part of a destructive sect like the jehovah’s witnesses where she is submitted to the “theocratic order” being the base that sustains the corporate pyramid, displaying submission at all times before male authority.
those of us that have been part of this cult can verify that the woman has to carry out a series of practices that for the rest of society is somewhat incomprehensible.
i’d like to draw your attention to the act of head covering, if for any reason a woman has to pray in public while a male is present, who is not available to lead the prayer, she must cover her head because she wouldn’t be respecting the arrangement of authority if she didn’t.
The real good news is that there are many woman who are leaving this particular oppressive misogynistic religoius cult.
The other good news is there are many woman in today's society who never joined this religion framed in lies and oppressive corruption created by dishonest men..
Who Do You Think Would Be A Good Running Mate For Joe Biden?
by minimus init seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
I think that's a smart pick for Biden, not only is she smart and well educated and has an aggressive personality but she will also pull in the ethnic vote because of her ancestry background.
As its know there is a cultural and race issue going on right now in the States.
We Are Not False Prophets-Watchtower
by Vanderhoven7 ina jw apologetic video.
Its quite obvious the WTS selectively choose the scriptures they wanted to use for their literature proliferation agenda, disregarding many others.
God would never have chosen this organization , particularly since they opposed Jesus and his instructions for preaching his Gospel.
We Are Not False Prophets-Watchtower
by Vanderhoven7 ina jw apologetic video.
Setting dates like how the WTS has done such as 1874, 1914 is directly opposed to Jesus's admonition to do such a thing , thats why the hundreds of other Christian faiths have not.
There are warnings right in the bible 1 John 4:1
1 John 4:1, KJV: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." ... 1 John 4:1, NLT: "Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God.
How do I find a woman who is a Jehovah's Witness during COVID-19 Pandemic?
by Silkythefresh inhello there, fellow believers!
i'm here today to talk about something that has been bothering my mind and my heart.
i truly want to find a woman who knows jehovah's name and worships him.
So Silky you come to the longest running anti JWS web site in the world to ask about your JWs relationship problems ?
JWS are just plain dumb
My and most people's advise would be to get out this apostate sinning false prophet religion started by the Watchtower Corporation and leave thankfully righteous your not sharing in the sins of this organization and its people.
If Jeehober was human, which cartoon tv person would he be?
by Overrated inwould jeehober be... gomer pyle.
mr magoo.
gilligan ?.
Someone who is very evil
GB teaching - Gays and Lesbians will be resurrected as Gays and Lesbians
by Listener inthe final talk of the saturday afternoon online convention is given by lett, sporting a creepy looking combover, which for some reason, looks creepier than normal.
he talks about how those resurrected will need to come into line with a new moral code otherwise they will be destroyed.
he uses an example of gay people having to turn away from their inclinations even though they may feel that they are perfectly acceptable.. this demonstrates that the gb feel that being gay is a taught behaviour rather than an imperfect unnatural desire, otherwise they would be growing out of that desire as they develop towards perfection, as they teach.
Fictional story telling can be twisted in many ways with preference.
Was Sin Inevitable?
by Parker ini was wondering about this question and wanted to ask: was sin inevitable?
also, i had thought about past watchtower articles or publications related to this topic and did some research and found this from our readers ask if adam was perfect, how was it possible for him to sin?.
well, then, did god create adam with a moral weakness, so that he lacked the ability to make sound decisions or to withstand temptation?
Human ignorance is not an accepted sin which the ancients had to endure to explain the world in which they lived, which is how the mythological story of Adam and Eve came about.
IICSA and NO apologies regarding child abuse
by Fadeaway1962 in .
no collective regret or any acknowledgement that child sexual abuse had happened among jws..
The situation with the JWS religion and others is the very reason why there should be a universal law that states that all known incidences of child sexaul abuse by these institutions should be brought forward to the proper law authorities for investigation.
A severe penalty should also be imposed to these organizations if they were found to deliberately cover up the incident.
The WTS/JWS say well we looked after these situations through the bible's directions , that makes them appropriately righteous and guilt free to themselves.
Many of these perpetrators got off scot free because of the misappropriate handling by the WTS/JWS leaders.
Many of these unfortunate incidents were influenced by the preconceived awareness of how the JWS would handle the situation and that creates a crime of exploitation.