I miss a lot public events such as sport events, travel out of country.
I dont think virus problem will go on forever but its been a annoying pain in the ass to say the least.
i miss listening and dancing to live music on a weekend night.. i miss going into a crowded mall store to window shop.. i miss going out into public and not having to wear a mask.. i miss seeing people freely mingle on a busy street or sidewalk.. what a difference a year makes!.
I miss a lot public events such as sport events, travel out of country.
I dont think virus problem will go on forever but its been a annoying pain in the ass to say the least.
yes, there has been crime as long as we can remember.
under 8 years of obama, there was crime.
under 8 years of bush the younger, there was crime.
Economic turmoil instigated by a virus pandemic which the governments had to shut down their economies and impose social restrictions.
Some countries like here in Canada the government was not too much in debt so they were able to offer relief money to people who couldn't work, but that's not the case in all or many countries.
Add in the racial tension particularly in the US and you create a situation of an increase in crime.
the ark encounter located in kentucky (opened in 2016) is a large representation of noah's ark based on the genesis flood narrative contained in the bible.
it is 510 feet (155 m) long, 85 feet (26 m) wide, and 51 feet (16 m) high.. .
genesis 6: 14 so make yourself an ark of cypress[c] wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.
Its a cute fictional story told by ancients with the intention to create power and relevance to their specific god.
i noticed recently.
there was an item in the news on some terrible / horrific child pornography in germany.
really disgusting to hear what these people were doing with children as young as a few months.
I meant to say egregious harm and crimes against humanity .
The point is the problems humanity makes are the problems we have to resolve on are own, it would nice if a supernatural being was going look after all of enduring problems but there hasn't been any solid confirming evidence of there being a supernatural being or one that cares about humanity in are entire accepted history.
i noticed recently.
there was an item in the news on some terrible / horrific child pornography in germany.
really disgusting to hear what these people were doing with children as young as a few months.
Religious ideology is based in nonsensical delusion(s)
Yes God let all the erogenous crimes against humanity toward one another because one women ate a piece of fruit she wasn't supposed to persuaded to do so by a talking serpent.
ummm...... makes sense doesn't ?
china now!
does this mean we can start to go back to normal ?.
The city hasn't reported any new cases since mid-May.
statistically that's impossible, remember the government controls the media there
i know i shouldn't--i tell myself this over and over--but i can't help peeking at these silly articles.
and then i see this and my head really starts hurting: so the gannet, if you don't know (and why would you?
) is a seabird that feeds on fish.
Biological evolution is wonderful and astounding thing on this planet we call earth but then again so is the entire universe when you think about it.
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
The media identified her as being black like Afro American but the real truth to her ancestry is quite different.
Trump is going to check if she is a natural born American legal citizen though.
.....good old Trump
so i was in a yugoslav ethnic congregation of about 200 people in australia we had alot of refugee witnesses come in from the balkans war.
in the late 1990's we were thriving!
today the young ones have all left "the truth.
" Because of the increasing of lawlessness { by Governments } the love of the greater number will cool off " Matt.24 12
but that's been going on for over 2000 years since those words were written into the bible ?
on january 13th, 2018, an emergency warning appeared on phone screens across hawaii, alerting everyone: .
ballistic missile threat inbound to hawaii.
seek immediate shelter.
I think we have another one on the forum