Bio organisms such as are selves use consciousness to survive by use of their active brains .
Organic substances dont have a conscious because they are not organisms they are organic matter reacting on a nuclear atomic level.
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious..
Bio organisms such as are selves use consciousness to survive by use of their active brains .
Organic substances dont have a conscious because they are not organisms they are organic matter reacting on a nuclear atomic level.
yes those are the undeniable facts regarding this religious organization.. these men took the return of christ as a commercial commodity and sold that to the public through the literature they published.
the doctrines they used (c t russell, j rutherford ) to accomplish this feat wasn't actually their own, they were plagiarized by other turn of the century bible speculators who were selling their own pieces of literature.
the end times, the last days, this generation were all propagated to make the notion that armageddon was coming soon in are life time and this actually started by these charlatans back in the late 1800's.. so there you have it easy to understand and clarified even more as time has progressed.
I don't think Knorr or Franz were con men
Why not ?
For example Franz reiterated the 6000 years of mankind's existence twice approximately 30 years apart , which was first actually used by C. Russell in the early 1900's.
Knorr was just a executive director of a expanding world wide publishing organization called the Watchtower Corporation.
Franz was the creator of the false doctrines and Knorr was just the business propagator of distributing those false doctrines to the public through literature publishing.
They were both inherently and personally involved in their acts of charlatanism.
yes those are the undeniable facts regarding this religious organization.. these men took the return of christ as a commercial commodity and sold that to the public through the literature they published.
the doctrines they used (c t russell, j rutherford ) to accomplish this feat wasn't actually their own, they were plagiarized by other turn of the century bible speculators who were selling their own pieces of literature.
the end times, the last days, this generation were all propagated to make the notion that armageddon was coming soon in are life time and this actually started by these charlatans back in the late 1800's.. so there you have it easy to understand and clarified even more as time has progressed.
Yes those are the undeniable facts regarding this religious organization.
These men took the return of Christ as a commercial commodity and sold that to the public through the literature they published.
The doctrines they used (C T Russell, J Rutherford ) to accomplish this feat wasn't actually their own, they were plagiarized by other turn of the century bible speculators who were selling their own pieces of literature.
The End Times, the Last Days, This Generation were all propagated to make the notion that Armageddon was coming soon in are life time and this actually started by these charlatans back in the late 1800's.
So there you have it easy to understand and clarified even more as time has progressed.
What were false scriptural teachings back in the late 1800's are still today false biblical teachings.
Perhaps these sinning apostates should have adhered to Jesus's teachings of no one knows of the time not even he and the added admonishment by Jesus to his followers as to set a time upon god's sacred time.
'' has your desire to put jehovah first been tested during this pandemic?
you lost your job and you searched for another one.
finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service.
This is just another poignant example of the inherent corruption and hypocrisy of the top GB leaders of the JWS.
Where they live off the proceeds of the WTS. $$$ including air flights to travel around the world, live in a carefree financial state sitting on millions $$$.
Have swimming pools and tennis courts to use at their leisure at their HQ but then say its better to live in poverty and serve Jehovah with constant meeting attendance.
I guess serving Jehovah discreetly means giving the GB men your money so they can live comfortably I get it !
'' has your desire to put jehovah first been tested during this pandemic?
you lost your job and you searched for another one.
finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service.
It would self assuming toward D. Splane if had to work full time to put a roof over his head and his family, pay for his own food, health and dental care, pay for own cars and insurance, he might not be so judgmental over people who have to work and miss a few meetings in doing so..
'' has your desire to put jehovah first been tested during this pandemic?
you lost your job and you searched for another one.
finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service.
Meanwhile, he and others in headquarters there are not paying for any of their own expenses of food, clothing and shelter, etc. Is this being in touch with reality?
Obviously not the GB men are deep in their delusion of being closer to Jehovah god than any other human being on the planet.
With that comes apathy to the living experience for the rest of humanity.
I guess when your that high up the mountain of spiritual righteousness $$$
you fail to see the living conditions and perils of the people below you.
'' has your desire to put jehovah first been tested during this pandemic?
you lost your job and you searched for another one.
finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service.
Interesting how the GB leaders have been pressing for loyalty more so than anytime in the JWS history ???
I guess they've realized the core JWS's doctrines (1914) were false but they still want to keep the organization ongoing for their own personal sustenance which involves money and power, they essentially have become kings of a worldwide Kingdom.
In essence the GB heads they were always corrupt devious religious charlatans/ businessmen at the core of their endeavors.
i was never a jw but i lurk in this forum occasionally, trying to rescue some family.
i will spare you those details.. and jwfacts are there with youtubes out the wazoo but i would appreciate your thought on this.. i know there are contradictions plenty but this is foundational, blatant and current.
i know they typically just blow off.
Guys you trying to make sense of something even the GB don't even understand.....
Thats because the past GB leaders of the WTS/JWS made false doctrines intentionally to support their actions in support of 1874 and 1914 as self proclaimed Christian preachers of the Gospel of Jesus and to further identify themselves as the chosen anointed ones.
From the very beginning of the Watchtower Corporation these men were in fact preaching a false tainted version of the Gospel perhaps influenced by their own will and desire of Jesus returning to cure the problems of humanity.
Some have said they were just corrupt opportunistic religious charlatans $$$
i was never a jw but i lurk in this forum occasionally, trying to rescue some family.
i will spare you those details.. and jwfacts are there with youtubes out the wazoo but i would appreciate your thought on this.. i know there are contradictions plenty but this is foundational, blatant and current.
i know they typically just blow off.
In short the men running the WTS made their own theological bullshit to suit themselves and create an assuming identity as well to lure others into their organization, which wasn't inline with scripture being that were false teachers and prophets.
no big deal just wanted to share it with you guys.
i like this guys videos and follow him on you tube .
so you don't have to watch the entire video the time mark is about 8:21. this guy walks past some street signs, perhaps some can id this kh in nyc
Just a mentally off balanced person who was a preper before all this recent turmoil.
Some of these clubs/associations have heavily armed themselves and practiced with their weapons for when society turns into a violent civil war.
Nutters in other words.