I think the two most damaging events of Trump's time in office will be the impeachment and the handling of the Covid virus.
JoinedPosts by Mr.Finkelstein
I’m Seeing Some Trump Fatigue Out There
by minimus ini’ve heard from a few trump voters that they are getting tired of the whole trump thing.
one person yesterday said he lies.
another person said she hears from her clients in her business that the constant drama and push back from all sides against trump is fatiguing.. i remind people that before this worldwide pandemic, we had the best numbers in jobs.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
I have to admit Scholar you have courage, determination and spunk to come to this forum and fight for the JWS doctrines.
I respect that
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
You antichrist false prophet charlatans crack me up .
I know, why dont you go back to using Pyramidology to set time of Christ's return or better still do as other Christian faiths do and be faithfully loyal to Christ and adhere to his commandant to not set a time upon god's own sacred time.
He said hundreds of years after the fall of ancient Jerusalem that no one knows of the time not even he.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
and confirmed by the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 CE.
Hah ha ha..... thanks for the laugh
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
-- that is your problem to resolve not mine
I think its more of a problem for yourself and all JWS particularly the JWS leaders , most bible scholars and ancient historians agree with the time of Jerusalem's destruction being between 586 to 587.
The problem rests in how to dissolve the doctrine of 607 BCE and 1914 and keep or retain the delusion that the organization is god's chosen and the organization is the FDSL and not commercialized false prophets.
False doctrines and teachings dont complement the proclamation that Jehovah has chosen the JWS organization as his earthly arrangement.
The GB already have stated that the early BS were overly speculating in anticipation to the time surrounding 1914 .
So I think they will soon attempt to make the 1914 doctrine fade away quietly.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
The JWS religion was founded upon an agree set of false teachings and delusions such as Christ has returned and the day of judgment is close at hand.
The very doctrines to which this organization was founded upon are now actually weakening the organization from its core due to the exasperation of these proclaimed significant times such as 1914 and the connective " This Generation ".
There is no question or doubt that since this organization was functioning as a religoius publishing company that this a had an engaging ingredient to the expressed doctrines to which this organization made and proliferated.
How Could We Have Been So Heartless?
by BluesBrother ini am addressing here those who, like me, spent decades in the organisation that we called “the truth”.
perhaps like me you were brought up in it from an early age.
looking back now i wonder that i could have been so heartless as to believe that the mass slaughter of billions of people was “good news”.
Its worth mentioning that the WTS created a sociological appeal to be heartless and this goes along with people who were practicing JWS but sinned while actively attending.
We had an elder in are Hall who committed adultery while he was married with three kids.
It was well assumed he was remorseful and repented to his actions but the other elders Dfed him irregardless.
The other elders Dfed publicly and the roomer of what he did got passed around within the congregation. The whole event was so stressful and huge toward the family they moved away to another town.
That to me was heartless and cruel, not only to him but to the rest of his family.
Food Boxes given out by Society
by JustChillin inanyone else get a food box delivered by local congregation to your door - allegedly by the society?
i looked online and found a couple of youtube channels saying the society is taking food from food banks and giving it only to their congregations.
Weird but not all surprising.
JWs can be pretension twits if it serves in their favor (image).
Bringing Reproach on Jehovah's Name
by cofty inall my jw life i was reminded constantly about the importance of not bringing reproach on jehovah's name.
decisions on whether or not to disfellowship an individual often turned, not on the seriousness of the sin, but on whether the incident was public knowledge and had resulted in bad publicity for the congregation.
i recall a middle-aged lady being reported to the elders for shoplifting a sweet worth less than £1- and the elders' insistence that a judicial committee must be formed because the store manager and staff knew that she was a jw (i successfully argued that all she needed was support for her dreadful family life, but that's another story).
Just wait for the next pedophile law suit against the WTS comes up in Australia and the news mentions the JWS wouldn't accept the National child abuse redress scheme.
Talk about darkening the image of the JWS religion.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
What a stupid statement to make for one only has to read WT publications
People are stupid and foolish to only read the WTS publications for they were corruptly devised and tainted with false teachings and prophecies.
These men were at heart charlatans who were endeavored to create doctrines to attract attention to the literature they published, which also made them scripturaly sinning apostates like yourself Scholar.
We can only witness to you the truth of these sins , accepting them is wholly upon you.
You seemed to have skip over and be dismissive to the actual date/year of final destruction of Jerusalem which the WTS says it was 607 BCE. ???
Is it because your starting to see the truth complied upon all the pertaining evidence ?