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2009 Memorial Video DOWNLOAD THE IMAGES!
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Is DISFELLOWSHIPPING being phased out?
by african GB Member ini have an elder friend who is 'open-minded', so to say...he tells me what gets discussed at elder meetings, even though he does'nt give too much detail.. he says that they were instructed by the society not to hurry df'ing publishers, that they should try to reproof (1 timothy 3: 16,17) a sinner,,..that they should be a little considerate bearingf in mind that we are living in critical times of the end.. .
personally i know a few publishers(baptized or not) who now have children out of wedlock, and they were just "marked" or had privileges taken away..... the reason given is: "they realised that they have sinned, and they are fully repented, they gave enough evidence to jc that they want to be known as jw's".
now my question is : are they slowly doing away with the df'ing doctrine?.
Both the criteria and handling of disfellowshipping has evolved in the past what? 15/20 years.
Up to about the early 90s, if someone was found to have fornicated/adulterated/insert here any other sexual sin, that person would almost certainly be disfellowshipped. After about that time, though, the person is disfellowshipped if he/she doesn't show signs of repentence.
"signs of repentence" basically means crying. Just cry your hearts off and will get away with it, which is very interesting because if someone is skilled enough on acting, he/she will do well.
The average JW doesn't notice this type of subtle doctrinal change, mostly because the WT is highly skilled in the art of dilluting changes to give the appearance that nothing at all have changed.
Is DISFELLOWSHIPPING being phased out?
by african GB Member ini have an elder friend who is 'open-minded', so to say...he tells me what gets discussed at elder meetings, even though he does'nt give too much detail.. he says that they were instructed by the society not to hurry df'ing publishers, that they should try to reproof (1 timothy 3: 16,17) a sinner,,..that they should be a little considerate bearingf in mind that we are living in critical times of the end.. .
personally i know a few publishers(baptized or not) who now have children out of wedlock, and they were just "marked" or had privileges taken away..... the reason given is: "they realised that they have sinned, and they are fully repented, they gave enough evidence to jc that they want to be known as jw's".
now my question is : are they slowly doing away with the df'ing doctrine?.
Phasing out DF is a tricky game to play. On one hand the Org needs more people to fill those seats; on the other hand, it has to keep the appearance of being God's pure organization.
I agree with Gary: disfellowshipping is one thing; shunning is another. That's why the org may officially phase it out, but keep it in practice. This is just one of the many manuevers the org can make.
As the organization keeps creating this type of its-up-to-the-christian-brother situation, though, I believe it is more important than ever for the dissidents to learn to cleverly explore this to his advantage.
Who here has just let the JW stuff go?. I NEED HELP GUYS!!!!!!!.................
by oompa in....i am so frikkin obsessed about the jw lies and my newfound truths about them, and it is prob driving me crazy or causing depression.....if i wake up in the middle of the night, i never get back to sleep as my mind starts racing about jw crap and how it affects my marriage, and then how can i make this marriage work with her such a hardcore dub....i told my wife i now realize i am an abusive husband.....i must stop talking to her about the real truth!!
! is killing her inside and we have had soooo many bad discussions that turn into arguments......on top of that she says she is now closer to jah and the org than at any other time in her life, that now that she has no positive direction from me, she relies totally on jehovah and prays to him more than ever..... we talked about separation, and that i was going to lose her over our religious differences........i feel so sorry for what i have put her through, and i know that if i can not really shut up with my ohsohelpful comments of truths about this truth she will leave me due to "spiritual endangerment".......and she said she is damm close to that happening.....i told her i knew it to and would so hate to lose her due to our religious differences.
at my recent shepherding call, they said to try and stop focusing on the negatives i have found in jw, and focus on the good things...and that is not a bad idea even if i never go back to meetings....there are good things about dubs....the efforts at ending racism and at least for me, some really good lifelong friends.......even their hope for the future was pretty good to me, even though it is a bunch of crap and i no longer believe the bible is gods word or does have some good suggestions for a happy life and ideas as to how to treat others........but so do just about every holy book of other faiths........ i had plans to start going to some meetings with my wife, but today, after a sleepless night i told her i just dont think i can do it, and just as she strongly believes it is the truth, i do not, and that i think the guys on the gb are not led by holy spirit cause if she will read the proclaimers book, she will see we have never gotten a single bible inerpretation of prophecy she says "so what is there?
I wish I could sit down with you and discuss at some lenght how the non-confrotational approach works. Listen to what sir82 is saying, because there is good advice in there.
The bottom-line is that you have been so consumed with trying to get your wife out that you're bordering the irrational and she senses it. The harder you try, the more you validate in her mind all the org has been telling her for years.
The first thing you have to do to win her in the long run is... nothing.
Take a step back. Relax. Try to let go of the bitterness you rightfully feel after being misled by the religion. She senses your anger and bitterness.
Here's an exercise to help you deal with the situation: go back in time and think about how you felt a month or so before you found the first piece of evidence that the WT relgion was a sham, OK? How were you feeling at that time? You probably were happy, after all you had the paradise earth to look forward to, you had the "truth", remember? The religion was not killing you. If you seriously try to place yourself in that state of mind, you will not only understand why your wife doesn't want to listen to you (you're basically killing all her hopes), but you also will better accept she staying in that state of mind for some time.
You are being overwhelmed by the thought that what is so clear to you is not clear to hear. You're being overwhelmed by your intense desire to bring her out of the religion by all means and at your time. Being a JW is an ideological position, and you cannot come to terms that you are losing that ideological battle with her. You can't accept defeat.
There is no reason to despair, though. Relax. Help is here. The JW religion is not biting her; she is not being spanked at the meetings; she is not putting your her money in the WT coffers; she is not in need of an emergency blood transfusion and needs to be rescued NOW.
So let her live her choice for some time, while you craft an strategy and stick to it with the long term view in mind.
From the moment she realizes you stopped trying and wonders why, YOU start winning. That's the essense of the non-confrontational strategy.
Any entrepreneurs or inventors here? I need some advice
by observador inhi guys,.
i have a usb (hardware+software) type of product prototype ready, but now am struggling to come up with ways to get funding, patent, partners etc.. are you an inventor?
have you ever got a patent for a product you created?
No, Hubert, I haven't.
But thanks for asking; I'll check it out right now. :)
Stupid Memorial
by PanzerZauberei inwell, i am gonna have to go again because my wife wants to go this year.
she missed last year because she was sick and was so depressed about it for a month after because of the guilt her stupid family laid upon my poor darling.
last night she was visiting her dad (the only one who didn't guilt her) and he asked if she was going to go this year.
The one thing I suggest to anyone who "has" to go. Don't pout about it. Resolve to show everyone just how good you'e doing and how much better life is now that you're free from the cult. For me, I truly am happier out and I let it show when I go.
This is an important aspect of the non-confrontational approach to help JWs relatives and friends. By doing this, you send a powerful message without saying a word.
There is no telling of how confused the Witnesses get when they see an ex-member with a happy outlook. After all, they are thaught that the world out there is bad, bad, really bad. How can someone be happy out of "Jehovah's organization"?
How to circumvent Cognitive Dissonance
by BonaFide inhey people, this is working for me!
yesterday, when we were eating in pollo loco after field service, two cars, 7 people.
(i know, i know, why am i going in service?).
It's a perfect example of the bite-and-blow technique. You can blow and bite too.
"So this shows how smart the Organization is." (what a delicious blow!)
"...they ask the Witness who lives there to give the Society the insurance check when their insurance comes through." (ouch! This bite will hurt)"
"Pretty smart, eh?" (good blow)
Bit and blow. blow, bite. Now, repeat.
Any entrepreneurs or inventors here? I need some advice
by observador inhi guys,.
i have a usb (hardware+software) type of product prototype ready, but now am struggling to come up with ways to get funding, patent, partners etc.. are you an inventor?
have you ever got a patent for a product you created?
you all have some good suggestions here. I really appreciated them.
Perry, I like your suggestion for getting the CD and try patenting the idea myself. I'll look into it. I also like your point of not having a partner. I have thought long and hard about this. Also, your point of making anyone interested sign the NDA is very good.
Quotes, your points are very well taken. You know, I have thought about doing very similar to what you said, except I'd like to create the business first and maybe sell it later for a better price. Those are all possibilities on the table (I mean on my mind...).
Zagor, your point about being careful and making them sign the NDA is a very good one.
Now a general comment, one of the things that worries me the most is that this type of product would require a good effort to get the manufacturing part correct. I also would need some post-sale support since the product is a high-end product involving information security. I never thought that creating the product would be easier than manufacturing it and marketing it.
Any other advice would be much much appreciated. Are any of you a web designer? How much would cost me to get a good looking site of about 6 pages?
Any entrepreneurs or inventors here? I need some advice
by observador inhi guys,.
i have a usb (hardware+software) type of product prototype ready, but now am struggling to come up with ways to get funding, patent, partners etc.. are you an inventor?
have you ever got a patent for a product you created?
Hi guys,
I have a USB (hardware+software) type of product prototype ready, but now am struggling to come up with ways to get funding, patent, partners etc.
Are you an inventor? Have you ever got a patent for a product you created? How do I get one on a budget?
How do I get funding from investors?
What's the best way to attract a partner to the business?
Is it advisable to create a website to market the product before it is actually ready?
Are you a hardware engineer? How do I go about contracting for the creation of the final hardware design?
Your advice/suggestion/support will be much appreciated.
Thanks a million.
Told 3 Teenage Witness Girls in Grocery Store about JW Child Abuse Suits
by flipper ini was in the quick check at the grocery store today and 3 teenage witness girls in service dress came behind me in line.
i asked them, " are you ladies dressed up for a graduation or something ?
" they replied, " no, we're in our door to door ministry.
thanks for sharing that. I like the way you put it to the girls. The way you delivered the message sounds much more out of concern than out of anger with the religion. It fits well in what I believe is the best approach to deal with the witnesses, i.e., being non-confrontational.
Bite and blow. Now bite. Blow a little more. Repeat.