Il no capiche Italiano, but it sounds like what you have suggested: an entire congregation has dissociated.
This should worry the leadership in Brooklyn. If it doesn't, I don't know what will.
no eh speaka los italiano..
Il no capiche Italiano, but it sounds like what you have suggested: an entire congregation has dissociated.
This should worry the leadership in Brooklyn. If it doesn't, I don't know what will.
some old timer jws (and probably some newer ones as well) say that they (the watchotwer) predicted world war i which broke out in 1914.. they apparently truly believe that statement.. how would you answer?.
Even a broken clock is right once a day.
It's actually twice a day.
i wanted to make just a thread for this statement of mind control as it was very blatant .
in the may 15th witness only wt under the article "husbands, imitate christ's love !
" it states, " if you are a christian husband, remember that your wife is also your christian sister.
I hope I don't disappoint you, but the WT has been saying that crap about wives being dedicated to "Jehovah" for ages.
As for the second comment, they are actually being flattering to the JW women here: they're cautioning husbands to give their wives attention since other brothers could take care of the congregation tasks.
One thing that one realizes over time is that the WT is very good at this form of double-speak. Today they say "take care of your wife; she's very important". Tomorrow, they'll say "christian elders, are you taking care of God's flock as Jesus would?".
And at any time, they can refer back to any of those statements to fit the moment. They can never be wrong.
have you heard of this woman?
she's not so pretty, but has an absolutely heavenly voice.. what was she waiting for until now?
she's 47..
Have you heard of this woman? She's not so pretty, but has an absolutely heavenly voice.
What was she waiting for until now? She's 47.
i thought rather than everyone start their own topic relating their experience of attending the memorial, we keep it simple and have just one thread.
if anything, it's saves bandwidth.. i will be going to the memorial tonight and will post my experiences afterwards.. all the other memorials i attended, i was an active jw, so this will be my first experience as a submarine witness.
it's weird being on the other side so to speak.
Mac n Cheese said:
The Bethel speaker announced the number of partakers last year, "9,900" and then immediately said after that, "see? the number is dwindling." I almost laughed out loud. My spouse was in total shock. No one else seemed to notice.
Yes, they notice. My hardcore sister does; but the human mind has a special way of dealing with cognitive dissonance like these: they rationalize.
Very intersting thread, guys. Keep 'em coming.
i was engaged to a man and was pregnant last year we lived in different states for awhile when he started studying jw without even telling me.
he lied to me about why he couldn't move with me and after 5 months he finally did then out of nowhere he went back to georgia and hid his relationship with a female jw needless to say they got married.
when i ofund out by calling around he told me it was for convience not love and that he would divorce her he was having alot of problems and didn't want to hurt me.
Hell become a nurse (Rn- 2yrs of school and lpn.lvn 1 year of school), marry a doctor and live a life of wealth an ease
Not so many doctors out there, but here's what you can do: become a nurse, find a male nurse, marry the guy and live a life of middle class american. How 'bout that?
but then, not as sick as the truth of what he is saying!
i couldn't resist posting this.
but i had to wait until i stopped laughing so hard.
It's so good that we have people like Raniaa in the forum, because they just confirm that those jokes, though funny, are really a stretch. It's the Bible and JW thinking expressed in words.
but then, not as sick as the truth of what he is saying!
i couldn't resist posting this.
but i had to wait until i stopped laughing so hard.
Thanks for the good laugh. For some reason I like it when the householder says "get the hell out of here".
it occurred to me the other day that it's been forever since we've had a jw knock on our door, leave a tract or magazine, etc.
we live in a suburb of a major u.s. city.. what about you?
when is the last time the witnesses visited?
I live in a town of about 43,000 people in the suburbs; have lived here for about 7 years. In all this time, have had them at my door about 4 times.
Interestingly, have never seen them on my street or any other nearby street here. The reason for this, I think, is what some have hinted already, i.e., they seem to have adopted the hit and run strategy. This door-to-door work is so inefficient that they know that after the first door, there is no way to have someone else open the door to them.
That's why it is so much easier to find them at the Dunkin Donuts shops in the area than anywhere else. So, no matter what time they start or stop the work, 2 hours will always go down in the slip. It's a complete sham.
This, of course, creates another situation that is absolutely ridiculous but one that I have seen more than once: publishers returning tons of publicactions to the elders/counter, instead of tossing them in the trash bin.
this was written in the topic...."blood lawsuit goes forward against the org.
conference call sat.
march 28".
I totally agree with Ak-Jeff's assessment. There a number of ways we can make a difference. I don't particularly like Rick's ways and his taste for website design, but he has the potential to make a few minds (not 2.5 million!) starting thinking. All the power to him.
There are those who create websites; there are those who scan the JW literature into PDFs; there are those who create videos and put them on YouTube; there are those who write the "Comments You Won't See in the Watchtower Study This Week", and there are those who... sit on the sidelines criticizing those who are trying to do something.
AK-Jeff is right on the spot: maybe no single strategy will bring down the WT; maybe a combination of them will. It's easy to see this when we're reminded that not even a GB member writing 2 fantastic books exposing all the WT's inner workings brought down the WT.