We predicted World War I - How would you answer?

by VM44 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • VM44

    Some old timer JWs (and probably some newer ones as well) say that they (The Watchotwer) predicted World War I which broke out in 1914.

    They apparently truly believe that statement.

    How would you answer?

  • JeffT

    No you didn't.

    The original versions of Russell's books stated that the time of the end began in 1799, Jesus presence began in 1884, and the end of the world would "definitely" come in 1914. I had this argument once with a guy on the street about the time I was leaving. He said that Russell predicted that "big things" would happen in 1914. I asked him if he'd read Russell's books. He said no. I said I had (I had at that point) and that Russell predicted the end of the world, it didn't end and therefore Russell was a false prophet. That pretty much ended the discussion.

  • passwordprotected

    Quite simply, "no you didn't."

  • sir82

    Yeah, just ask them to provide a quote or reference demonstrating such a prediction. Could get them doing some eye-opening research.

  • VM44

    The JWs were encouraged to believe WWI was predicted by Russell.

    "Although this was still decades before the First World War, it is surprising how accurately the events that finally took place were actually foreseen",Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purprpose (1959)

    Perhaps someone could find the exact page number in the book where this quote appears?

  • Elsewhere

    You: "Oh really? Show me in your original old publications where it says: WWI will start in 1914."

    JW: "Ub Ub Uuuuu, can I get back to you on that?"

    You: "Did you guys also predict WWII?"

  • leavingwt

    They will be unable to produce any evidence of this.

    "Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence."

    Epic Fail.

  • villabolo

    Quite simply, "no you didn't."

    Then they will bring out a 1904 watchtower, quoted out of historical context, which says that there will be a "great storm" on or around 1914.

    You would have to counter rebut with several quotations from the watchtower in the 1890's which predicted that there would be no outbreak of war in Europe or if there was it would be before 1905 and have a small part to play in world affairs. You would also have to quote their interpretation of Matthew 24 in their book The Battle of Armageddon where they claimed that the wars and earthquakes and other signs were from the past 18 centuries. (Sorry I don't have more specific quotations, one of our scholars should)

    You also have to emphasize that the Bible Students back then had an eccentric slow motion interpretation of Armageddon which would start slowly and build up to an intense level throughout the forty year period between 1874 and1914. It was supposed to consist of pure social chaos and disentegration of society which is why they never wanted a real world war in the first place since all wars require that the societies waging them have control and order so they can manufactor, transport and use weapons.

    What happened in 1904 is that they started to have doubts about the tempo of armageddon since society was not breaking down as predicted. So they repackaged the whole deal into one intense armageddon but I don't believe they changed the rest. No WW1 just intense chaos with churches being destroyed and people at each others throat.

    Bottom line is, they unpredicted WW1 way back in the 1890s and not only did it come, but it came right on their sacred date as if to taunt them. Of course, they changed their history with a completely different set of interpetions to suit the times.

  • undercover

    Then maybe they could have warned Archduke Ferdinand and avoided the whole thing...

  • Elsewhere

    Here is my prediction: Something big and very bad will happen in the next 20 years.

    Ok, years from now after "it" happens I'll be able to point back to this post and say: "See! I predicted it!"

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