Yes I lost a friend in the late 1970's. She was disfellow shipped. She was dealing childhood sexual abuse. She was Biopolar. The Elders had no way of dealing with mental illness. It's easier to DF'ed. than to deal with issues. She tried many many times to kill herself an finally succeeded.
I found out three weeks later from another friend that she died. I was pretty upset she said well I would'nt be going to her furneral because she df'ed. I said that was'nt right. It would be my decision whether I would go or not.!!! Talk about anger!! And you know what I would have gone to her furneral. Out of respect for her family. Her husband was Dfed too.
BeryBlue I support you in talking to someone if thoughts come up wanting to hurt yourself. I don't know if you are courting the idea or not??
Keep close the forum.
All the Best Oldcrowwoman