Thank you (((((LadyLee, Nina, Flowerpedal & Arrowstar))))))
Yes the Eagle was present this year. All about taking an overview on life.
Old Crow
i am celebrating 20th year my sobriety and 20 yrs working on jw issues!
november is a month for about gratitudes.
a time of reflection.
Thank you (((((LadyLee, Nina, Flowerpedal & Arrowstar))))))
Yes the Eagle was present this year. All about taking an overview on life.
Old Crow
i am celebrating 20th year my sobriety and 20 yrs working on jw issues!
november is a month for about gratitudes.
a time of reflection.
I am celebrating 20th year my sobriety and 20 yrs working on jw issues!!
November is a month for about gratitudes. A time of reflection. Thanksgiving all the time.
This past year has been my primary focus in dealing with jw's issues and has added a huge piece of my puzzle in jwd land.
I am grateful for the support and have met good people and some with strong personalities. Certainly a test of character!! And some that I will be in contact on personal level.
To let you all know when this thread dies down. I will no longer be active on this site.
And I wish all of you well and to take care.
All the Best, Old Crow Woman
life's echo
a son and his father were walking on the mountains.
suddenly, the son falls hurts himself and screams: "aaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Life's Echo
A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" To his surprise, he hears the voice reapeating, somewhere in the
: AAAhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Curious, he yells: " Who are you?" He receives the answer: "Who are you?" Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!" He receives the answer: He looks to his father and asks: "Whats going on?" The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
And then he screams to the : "I admire you!" The voice answers: "I admire you!"
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!" The voices answers "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand. Then the father explains: "People call this Echo, but really this is life."
It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve competence.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life.
Life will give you everything you have given to it"
Author Unknown
Old Crow
which is your favorite to munch on at the movies?
salty popcorn or a pack of gummie bears and chocolate bar?
went to the show for cheap night and it cost more for the damn junk one could decide on either one or the other so we bought both...your opinon?
Me likes a lota butter popcorn!!
we had to put enterprise down today (she is on the left).
Sorry to hear about your loss !
Old Crow
one of the characteristics of mind control, whether it exists within an abusive relationship between two people or in a cultic group, is "black and white thinking".. .
black and white thinking means seeing the world only in terms of extremes, with no middle ground.
things are portrayed as either perfect or terrible, right or wrong, good or evil.
Thanks for the info.
Brought up memories in earlier part of my therapy. Being pointed out the Black and White thinking.
Coming from a family of orgin who are not jws and dysfunctional. The Black and White is my family. One that comes to mind it was a no win situation with my Father. You could tell him the sky is blue and he would say its black.
It just continued on in jwland. Even done extensive therapy thus far. I think the black and white lingers around. At times being blinded by it and having someone outside of myself to have a different perception makes it so I can see white, gray and black. Than I don't feel locked in a situation. Having options.
I see the black and white situations on various threads here. And Black and White can be very hurtful.
Thanks again for sharing.
Old Crow
i've mentioned it a few times, but between the ages of 5-7 i had my two female cousins living with me.
my parents were doing them a favor by letting them live there, but what they didn't know was the prior sexual abuse and molestation by members of their/our family...well, it is in my opinion the trickle down theory of abuse and i also know and remember doing some of the same things with my own siblings even a couple years after they weren't there any more.. i often ask myself.
am i responsible for that?
I admire your courage and strength in breaking the silence and to share your experience with us.
Being a woman and a survivor of sexual abuse. I experienced the same feelings and questioning myself? Being a victim always questioning themselves. To have someone outside of ourselves to say that its Not Our Fault . Takes time to fully realize its not our fault.
Thank you for sharing because it opens the doors for others here.
All the Best, Old Crow Woman
one thing for now that i'm afraid to talk about is who i really am on this forum.there are various reasons for this fear and i suppose that it means that the wt.society still has some control over me.. i really want to open up and reveal my real name and address and picture and family and history etc.and connect with others who may know me and are on this forum.
one day i will,but now is not that day.. is there anything that you are afraid to talk about?.
Yes, I don't think its safe enough on this site to seek support and help in dealing with issues.
No way I would lay my vulnerability wide open. Having the fear of a sitting duck being shot out of water!!
I've seen a few 's lately blown out of water. No way!! thats sad!
Old Crow
that's the question my wife asked me this morning.
"what would happen if we just walked into the kingdom hall this morning?
would the elders be waiting to talk to us?
I don't even want to go there. Besides just my anger alone would warm the kingdumb hall without turning their heat on. I don't think my presense would be welcomed. life?
do you still have hope?
are you truly much happier?
Moving on and not turning back
Old Crow