welcome elumn8-2
I understand that you are new here. Its a good place to connect in receiving support in what ever issues you are dealing with. Many resources to plug into. I encourage you in taking care of your self.
I don't respond to scriptual matters. I do on human matters. I get the sense that you are a young man.
I need to address some issues here. Regarding Gay people. I don't know where you received information regarding gay people. Who ever is mis-informed.
I am a Lesbian. I grew up with a mother and father.I was'nt in the girl scouts or the homemakers club. I wanted to be involve in the future farmers of america. No cigar for a girl. I did'nt just acquire being gay. I was born to be gay. Like you are born a hetrosexual. Took me 39 yrs later for me to figure it out. If you like you can read my postings regarding homosexuality.
I am a recoverying alcoholic 19 yrs and smoke free 5 yrs. Survivor of abuses and my children too.
I was pushed out of the org. dealing with domestic abuse shortly DA'ed self.
Being disfellowship or DA'ed is unloving act towards others, dealing with the shunning. Is not something a god would want people to endure. Its totally wrong!!!
I wish you well on your journey.
All the Best, OCW