Actually I ask the Grandmother's to take care of whatever!!! Incidently they do a great job!!! By my standards!!
alright, i need a question answered, if possible with bible versicles.
do demons flee when someone pronounces god's name, jehovah?
i know this is a belief from the jws, but i don't know on what it is founded, or if it is.
Actually I ask the Grandmother's to take care of whatever!!! Incidently they do a great job!!! By my standards!!
i talked to my brother today who is still a practicing jw (i've managed to fade) .
we were talking and suddenly he asked me if i thought satan could read my mind.
and he said "yeah i though the answer was yes and then i found out that satan cant read my mind".
I don't think so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i always go to bed naked, even in the winter.
i eat at odd hours, whenever i'm hungry, and that happens fast.
breakfast at 6:30am, dinner at 10:15 am (i'm hungry) supper at 3:30 pm (still hungry).
I don't stand in line with my back to the person behind me. Stand side ways. ( abuse reaction)
Startle easily by loud noises.
1/2 hr early for work. my mediative time. Start the day out slow.
Stare off into space
sleep with a toy stuff rabbitt.
i always go to bed naked, even in the winter.
i eat at odd hours, whenever i'm hungry, and that happens fast.
breakfast at 6:30am, dinner at 10:15 am (i'm hungry) supper at 3:30 pm (still hungry).
Flat surfaces are never bare. The Cancer in me. So my living space should have no flat surfaces. Otherwise clutter build up.
Always looking for leaks under cars. Use to driving old cars.
i am really curious as to how you will answer this soj,,,,,,,and any other active jw's who post here, even read here,,,,,,,,,because when i was an active witness,,,,,,,,i was taught that reading any apostate material was wrong.
i didnt even watch a tv show that talked bad about the jw"s for fear it was an apostate program.. i know if you are caught soj, posting here,,,,,,you would not have been reinstated( you were right?
), so did you tell the elders you post here?
His lot in life here is to yank peoples chain!! Certainly does a great job doing it.
many, many years ago lived an emperor, who thought so much.
of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to obtain.
emperor's clothes were more admired.. .
The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen
how did you find this site?
did you make a search in google for jw's, or did someone tell you about this forum?.
how did you end up here?
By accident! First contact thought it was a JW site. I freaked out and signed off. Sometime later happen to hear on another site mentioning the name regarding a controversary with SL. I needed to check it out.
Glad I came back because it would had been my loss! And to further my healing process.
hey folks, not to send chills through anyones spine, but it has come to my attention, there was a former member to this forum that seems to be causing some members (women) some problems and unnecessary grief.
(on-line stalking)
Thanks Ray!
I gave out my email recently on another site. And shortly after received some religious garbage!
I realized people are not always upfront and I need to keep it to the sites PM. A learning experience.
from silentlambs (bill bowen):.
on thursday of this week world wide work money will again be spent to protect a pedophile.
in addition it will also be spent to pay money to a disfellowshipped person in order to find a way to prevent them from assisting the court case of abuse survivors.
I support Bill Bowen efforts. What little I know of him personally. I"m sure he has his ducks in row. This sounds like a huge step for SilentLambs.
I find it odd for the wt paying his expenses. Considering he is a Apostate!!!!!
I need to put my 2 cents with ButterKnife of Blah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
BKofB quote" I expect the WT to defend themselves and not make some disgruntled witness rich with our donations."
All the tea in china will not change the memories and feelings of abuse. Far as I am concern they are scars for life. No amount of money will change that. It is'nt about getting rich is saying that there won't be anymore abuse tolerated in the orgainzation. And their policies need to be address.
The point of it all is to make it safe for all children!!!!
were you a zealous defender of jehovah's witnesses?
are you now a zealous defender against the "truth"?
I did'nt see myself zealous in the org. I was one of those hanger arounds in the trooth!!
My zeal is channeled in the direction of making a awareness with others and fighting the cause of child abuse, sexual abuse, Alcohol , drugs, domestic abuse and rape. This is a committment to self and others.
For me zeal is not worn on shirt sleeve but whats in the heart.