4. If u converted to jw later in life, why? married a man who was raised in the jw.
5. When were u bapitized a jw? no memory silver moment.
6. When were you df'ed or DA'ed and for what? 1983 Pushed out shortly DA'ed for reporting domestic abuse.
7. Are you married. No happily single
8. Did u pioneer/aux pioneer. How long? aux pioneer no memory
9. If you are DF'ed or DA'ed, do any active witnesses still talk to you in secret? yes ex-ma-inlaw, daughter, daughter's ma-inlaw & Pa-inlaw.
10. Which teachings of the wtbts do you disagree with the most? The whole org.
11. Which teachings of wtbts do you agree with still? NONE OF IT!!!
12. If you could take any of it back, would u? I don't think so !!!!
13. What was your worst experience at the door in the field service ? the 14 yrs was anxiety producing to knock at the doors. I would pray that nobody would answer the door. Good christain huh? I did'nt win any points!!!
14. What was your best experience in field service? nobody was home. And me going home!!!
15. What was the last memorial u attended? with my memory lapses probably 1981
16. What is one thing you wish you could say now that your eyes have been opened to an active witness? Definitely point out how the abuse is handle in the org. needing to change their policy !!!
17. Did you go through therapy after leaving?yes still do. the best investment I made.
18. How did you deprogram yourself from the wt thinking? with alot of support from therapy, various support groups, reclaiming my spirituality and internal work with self. Its an on going process.
19. Has anyone quit the religion because you left? my youngest daughter, she quit when she was 14. She could'nt stand the shunning of her Mother.
20. What's the craziest thing you ever heard at the kingdom hall? no memory??
21. Have you spoke to any witnesses who came to your door after you were DF'ed about what you know now? I am DA'ed. no my apt is marked in their territory map. not to knock!!
22. What teachings do you think the society should throw out? far as I am concern the whole org.
23. What did you do to your literature after you quit? recyled trash and returned to Mother Earth.
24. Have you been to an apostafesta and was it fun? no
25. Did you go sex crazy when you left? no abuse took care of that!!
26. Did you dye your hair, get a tattoo or pierce yourself? no
27. Have you picketed a convention yet or will you? no. Yes I will in a heart beat dealing domestic and sexual abuse issues.
28. Do you have any regrets? yes. The huge consequences of my becoming a jw. and dealing with the reprocussions of my decision!! In the long run it has made me a better person from those decisions. self forgiveness is an on going process.
29. Do you think you will ever fully recover fully? for me recovery is an on going process and not a final distination.
30. Would you ever go back? NO WAY JOSE!!!!!!!!!!