Yah! I have the same problem in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I joined sometime last fall. And every month its cancelled!!
I wonder if its a fear factor??
Is there ever a Asposta-fest in Winnipeg?
cancelled once again.
grrrrr i've been at this for ages and it is always cancelled
Yah! I have the same problem in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I joined sometime last fall. And every month its cancelled!!
I wonder if its a fear factor??
Is there ever a Asposta-fest in Winnipeg?
hi i'm marilyn!.
i just found this board today via a link from randy at free minds.
Welcome to the Board
I listen alot!!!! So It balances out!!!
anybody having problems getting into chat today??
chat allows me to sign in.
but its blank with 3 little boxes in upper rt hand cornor.
Anybody having problems getting into chat today???
Chat allows me to sign in. but its blank with 3 little boxes in upper rt hand cornor. That's it!! I tried many times today.
Someone have a secret getting in??
the po of my congregation was screwing another elders wife- i have more, but i wanna hear yours!
Ex-husband MS at the time. Was busted by the police for being a peeping tom. Charges pressed. Court hearing recommended counseling. Which he lasted one session.
There were no consequences given from the Elders. He told me that he told them. The response "was you know how men are?" And supposedly excused his behavior. I have a sense the ex was not telling the truth.
Shortly after we moved. Thats the pattern when situations get hot. Move out of Dodge!!!!
The guy has been running ever since 1971!!!!!!
Nightmare from HELL!!!!!!
you know what folks...... why waste all your time reliving the damn assemblies and bullshit that goes on?
i figure those of you who have been "out " for quite a while, get over it.
there's life outside the jws and it's great!
Say Chevy have'nt heard a reponse back from you. I hope you did'nt go away in your shame??
Like I say there is a learning opportunity here. The gift is not always painless??
you know what folks...... why waste all your time reliving the damn assemblies and bullshit that goes on?
i figure those of you who have been "out " for quite a while, get over it.
there's life outside the jws and it's great!
Get over it! To me feels insenitive and not respecting another feelings.
Get over it! That is the same statement I heard from family when I took the risk of sharing sexual abuse. And internally recoiled within myself carried those secrets for 35 yrs. I thought it was my fault! And gratefully I don't feel that way now.
I am grateful for these posts helps me in my healing process and to acknowledge those feelings.To find out I was'nt the only one to have them. "Its not about the destination but the journy".
To be honest If I had'nt worked on my issues and seen that statement Get Over It! I would'nt come back!!
True we all are on a journey only different places on the path of recovery. There is no right or wrong way how we travel.
Chevy I hope this is a learning opportunity for you.
...and i'm feeling pretty good right now.
i quit, cold turkey, this morning.
it's been almost 24 hours since my last cigarette.
I am proud of you. And it is a challenge one day at a time. It gets easier as time goes on.
The nicotene is out of your body. Its that little monkey that sits on your shoulder next to your ear. whispers in your ear says feed me feed me!!!!!!
One thing I learned from one of the Docs at work. He made the decision to quit and not to be concern about the weight gain. And to focus your energy on being smoke free. The weight can be dealt with later. Its true I packed on some pounds. When the time came I could focus on weight loss. I did . People are teachers when the student is ready they will take care of matters.
For most people it takes many times to quit. So be gentle with yourself.
post 653 of 658. since 28-nov-02.
ip: s6whrlwhf2lham3ionacrusere: silentlambs and memorial day 27-may-03 01:30may 27, 2003. .
post 2420 of 2447. since 03-jul-02.
Glad to hear others putting out fliers too.
Here in Minnesota I mailed out 62 fliers in Minneapolis, St. Paul and others throughout the state.
I have many fliers leftover putting them in public place's that allow me to leave.
A way of planting seeds. Some won't do a thing, some may sprout,and some will grow. Anyway SL's is being echo'ed throughout Minnesota.
Very empowering experience.
Congratulations you two. Welcome to the jr member club. I wonder what is the fringe benefits???
Sorry Hit the wrong button
Do you ever have dreams keep haunting you?
What I realize its result of PTSD. One of the threads of my life is dealing with domestic abuse. I've been out of the marriage now for 21 yrs.
My daughters in the dream are the age when I left the marriage . They are about 7 and 12 yrs old. We are running for our lives being chased by him and the nazi's and put into camps. And half of us are being executed . It was horrible I was the next one. They using some kind a chemical warfare. At that point I woke up.
It was one of those dreams that kinda stick with you like glue. It does make me angry at times to have deal with this character. I guess its understandable having been badly burned by this guy.( mean emotionally)
Maybe sometime in my dreams this guy will die??
Thanks for letting me vent.