*** w99 2/1 17-18 Our Treasure in Earthen Vessels ***
"Look! a Great Crowd"
17 At a convention held from May 30 to June 3, 1935, in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Brother Rutherford gave a landmark talk entitled "The Great Multitude." This group, "which no man was able to number," would appear as the sealing of the 144,000 of spiritual Israel drew to an end. These too would exercise faith in the ransoming power of "the blood of the Lamb," Jesus, and render sacred service in Jehovah's temple arrangement for worship. As a group, they would "come out of the great tribulation" alive, to inherit the earthly Paradise where "death will be no more." For several years prior to that convention, this group had been spoken of as the Jonadabs.-Revelation 7:9-17; 21:4; Jeremiah 35:10.
18 The year 1938 was crucial in clearly identifying the two classes. The March 15 and April 1, 1938, issues of The Watchtower presented the two-part study "His Flock" and made clear the relative places of the anointed remnant and their companions, the great crowd. Then the June 1 and June 15 issues carried study articles on "Organization," based on Isaiah 60:17. All congregations were called on to request the Governing Body to appoint local servants, thus bringing in an improved, God-ordained, theocratic arrangement. The congregations did just so.
19 The report in the 1939 Year Book of Jehovah's Witnesses stated: "The anointed followers of Christ Jesus now on earth are few in number, and never will their number be greater. These are designated in the Scriptures as 'the remnant' of the offspring of Zion, God's organization. (Rev. 12:17) The Lord is now gathering to himself his 'other sheep,' who will form the 'great multitude'. (John 10:16) Those now being gathered are companions of the remnant, working together with the remnant. From this time forward those composing the 'other sheep' will increase in number until the 'great multitude' is gathered." The anointed remnant had been molded to care for the ingathering of the great crowd. These too must now be molded.